of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Flame of Love

Souls on Fire Testimonies

People from all over the country witness to the transformative grace of the Flame of Love! Check often for new conversion stories and videos.

Teresa Elliott’s Story
Judy Longoria’s Story

Illuminated by the Flame of Love

“In the Most Holy Flame of Mary’s Heart, our greatest weaknesses are transformed and used for good to promote the Kingdom.”
Submitted by Frances Catherine Graf

A women (name withheld) passed the Flame to me about a year ago. She found me at Saint Charles Borromeo church in Bloomington Indiana after Mass in front of our Blessed Mother and showed me the FOL Unity Prayer Card and invited me to join her Rosary prayer group. My heart began to ache for more as my eyes and ears increasingly opened to the spiritual forces happening in my family, friends, mind, heart and soul, and community. First, I became deeply aware of my own shortcomings and thought processes. My mind lit up and I almost instantly got an illumination of conscience, that my thoughts, words, and actions impact the world in a strong way. Everyone has heard the quote: Thoughts determine words which determine actions which determine behaviors, determine lifestyles. The blessing of the illumination of conscience makes this clear and we must repent of our evil ways and turn back and conform our lives. 

Mark 8:34-38

The Way of the Cross

Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.  What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?  If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”

John 10:18

No man taketh it away from me: but I lay it down of myself, and I have power to lay it down: and I have power to take it up again.”

When someone accepts The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, it combines spiritual and physical life in a profound way, allowing for Eros and Agape to flood into your life, never running out. The definition of the Holy Love of Eros is a thrust towards everything that is GOOD, TRUE, AND BEAUTIFUL. Mary and Jesus have an endless supply of this that they desire to give you access to. There is always more to attain. The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand, and we must open our hearts to accept this wonderful gift that is Mary has told Elizabeth that the cause of the Flame of Love of Her Immaculate Heart is powerful a force from when then the Word became Flesh. Faith must be LIVED. When we accept this GIFT in its wholeness and then we willingly sacrifice ourselves and go out into the world as we have been called, Jesus, Mary, and the entire Blessed Trinity with all of the Angels and Saints also show up along with us and with our hearts that our firmly placed in Heaven. We must BE NOT AFRAID to conform our whole lives to this cause of the SALVATION OF SOULS and the CONVERSION OF ALL SINNERS, especially lukewarm Catholics as well as the fallen away Catholics. This hurts our Lord profoundly and is a reason for his deep, bleeding wounds. 

Spreading the holy Flame of Love must become our primary purpose in life and everything else will fall exactly into place as we become built up in the Divine Will. The Flame of Love is so hot and strong that it does not even waste the smallest person or opportunity. In the most holy flame of Mary’s heart, our greatest weaknesses are transformed and used for good to promote the Kingdom

~ May the source of your downfall become the very cause for your salvation. ~

Blessed Lady, PLEASE spread the effect of your most holy flame of love to all of HUMANITY.  Amen. 

 “But go ye rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.   And going, preach, saying: The kingdom of heaven is at hand.  Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils: freely have you received, freely give.  Do not possess gold, nor silver, nor money in your purses:  Nor scrip for your journey, nor two coats, nor shoes, nor a staff; for the workman is worthy of his meat.”

Let us go now and Live out the Gospel with Mary’s powerful gift of the FOL and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to this world that needs it so desperately. 

With the FOL cause now in our hearts, we must acknowledge that it is not because we are good, virtuous, and perfect that we are called to be in Our Lady’s Army, it is because we are the worst sinners in some areas. Our Lady says that the only thing she desires in our souls is GREAT HUMILITY and her cause will succeed. In fact, Mary says in the diary that she has let us fall constantly so that we are in the greatest humiliation, and we can be used. Further, Jesus tells Elizabeth Kindelmann that He will make even our greatest sins and weaknesses into precious jewels and use them for our cause. 

We are made to ascend from one degree of glory to the next. 

God bless you, 

Frances Catherine Graf

Testimony from Speaker and Author, Deacon Norman Alexander

Deacon Norman Alexander, Tennessee State Flame of Love Leader and Permanent Deacon in the Diocese of Memphis, Tennessee

I’m a cradle Catholic, born and raised in St. Martinville, Louisiana. My wife and I had been living in Kingston, Tennessee since 1995 and moved to Memphis in 1998. We have a daughter and a son, both of whom were born in Tennessee. In 2008, I was ordained a Permanent Deacon in the Diocese of Memphis in Tennessee. 

The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary came to me in this way. A friend saw Anthony Mullen on EWTN talking about the Flame of Love and she felt called to learn more. She asked if I would be willing to read the Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann and maybe start a prayer group. That same day April 16, 2015, I downloaded the Kindle version of the diary and also ordered the paperback. After reading about twenty percent of the diary, I was convinced that everything in my life was leading up to serving the kingdom of God by spreading the Flame of Love. 

We started a prayer group with seven members and found out there was a prayer cenacle that had been praying together for a few years. The Flame of Love had been introduced to them by a lady from Peru. I went back to my roots in Louisiana to search for anyone who was familiar with the Flame of Love and met Michelle Guidry. We have been working together ever since. I’m convinced, “There has never been a time of grace like this since the Word became Flesh.” 

By Deacon Alexander

Understanding the Flame of Love

Divine Mercy Shrine Luncheon in 2019

Deacon Alexander has authored several books on the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. His books are available on Amazon.

Senior High School Teacher Equips Students with Powerful Prayer

Submitted by Cenacle Leader Lisa Johnson Carmel Indiana

May 22, 2023

Lisa: This was from a Guerin Catholic Senior class to their teacher. This teacher asked for FOL cards for his seniors last year.  We prayed over those cards that this would catch on fire to all his students. He is speaking at the graduation this year and this gift will be on the wall in the school!!!!

Oh Mary!!! We love your ways!!! 🕊🌷🎚

“At the beginning of each of my two senior engineering physics classes this trimester, we prayed the unity prayer every day. By the time we got to May, all of us had it memorized! During the last week of class, I gave them each the flame of love prayer card, so that they could pin it on their bulletin board at college. When the seniors had their last day at school, I was touched when four of them gave me a beautiful, framed copy of the prayer! “

Hugh Ross – Science Teacher at Guerin Catholic High School, Noblesville, IN

The Framed Unity Prayer Poster.
Heavenly Sign of Love from Jesus and Mary

Kathy Bohn

November 4, 2022   Last Day for 40 Days for Life

Location: Preterm /Abortion Clinic, 12000 Shaker Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio

Weather was sunny with a couple of wispy clouds in the sky and about 72 degrees outside.

My friend Mary and I went to pray the rosary in front of the preterm abortion clinic on day 40 of  40 days for life campaign in Cleveland, Ohio.  This was my second time praying in front of  an abortion clinic.  Mary, on the other hand, has been a praying in front of  abortion clinics for nearly 6 years. The weather was beautiful, sunny and warm. It was just the two of us present on this day in prayer.  This was Mary’s first time praying The Flame of Love Rosary.

We offered our heartfelt petitions for Jesus to intercede to remove the veil of darkness over the hearts and minds of the abortion workers and for the women seeking abortion there. 

As we finished the rosary, we implored Jesus to blind satan so that the grace of God could fill these people with His Light and Truth.

Then we prayed the Unity Prayer

 Immediately upon finishing the Unity Prayer, Mary looked up to the sky.  In amazement we saw an “upside down rainbow!”  It was as if Jesus was smiling upon us!

The rainbow appeared directly over the abortion clinic and was HUGE.  By the time Mary and I could find our phones to take a pic, the rainbow was gradually getting smaller.  Attached are the photos we scrambled to take on that day.


Mary was utterly amazed and said that in nearly 6 years of praying at an abortion clinic, nothing like this has ever happened.  At that moment, we both felt that the rainbow was given to us as a consolation, a sign from heaven that Jesus heard our prayers, right then, at that moment. God is so faithful, so loving and so true to His word. This experience filled us with joy and encouragement to continue to pray the Unity Prayer and the FOL rosary.

Mary has now embraced the FOL movement and has incorporated this rosary in her SoulCore ministry at our parish.

Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever.

Come Holy Spirit. Come by the means of the power of the

Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Flame of Love Police Support Initiative

Flame of Love Philadelphia Team member, Nelly DiCupe, has been very busy distributing gift bags containing a Benedict Medal, Rosary, Brown Scapular, Unity Prayer Card, and a Precious Blood card to local area Philadelphia police.  Maria O’Toole and her mom, Carmella, helped to assemble 300 bags for distribution.

The idea of this Police Support Initiative began in September 2022.  Fr. Jim Blount, SOLT, was returning home after several Flame of Love events in Philadelphia and Nelly gifted him with three rosaries, knowing that Fr. Blount loves to evangelize. 

Fr. Blount with Nelly blessing the Christmas Gift Bags                           
Nelly (center) with Precinct 26, Officer Brittany Kelly and Captain Maria Ortiz-Rodriguez

One of these rosaries was given to a police officer at the airport, who loves priests and approached Fr. Blount.  She revealed to him that she was not catholic but would like his blessing.  Fr. blessed her and spoke about the Precious Blood devotion, gave her a rosary, and explained how to use it. 

Inspired by this meeting with the police officer, Fr. Blount offered to give Nelly St. Benedict Medals for police officers, and Nelly wanted to include other devotionals and aids for spiritual battle – and so the “Police Support Initiative” began for the Philadelphia area. 

Nelly met police officer, Jose Dones, through her CCD class. He came to the CCD Christmas party and gifted her students with pizza, cookies, candy, juice, and generous gifts.  Nelly later met with Jose at his precinct and gave him the gift bags which were later distributed by Captain Maria Ortiz-Rodriguez. Then Nelly gifted several police precincts and chaplains with these gift bags.

Rev. Frank Crangle, President 14th District, and Chaplain Noreen (Chappie) Pettaway with Nelly
Prepared Christmas Gift Bags for Police Officers
Rev. Frank Crangle (President of 14th District) and Chaplain Noreen (Chappie) Pettaway – President of the 22nd District and Chaplain Kenneth T. Walker, Vice President of the 22nd District located at 17th & Montgomery Avenue

Nelly shared, “Everyone is so happy to receive them. We will be making more!

It is such a blessing to do this work. I felt the presence of Our Lady and Our Lord while I was doing this. They are blessing our police with this gift.  It is extraordinary!

This is truly something they want done. I also told the officers that I would pray for them and to reach out to us with any special intentions whenever they needed them. I am sure that Jesus and Mary will be using this gift in many ways to touch their souls and bring them into prayer.”

It was gone! “Nothing!” She said, “τίποτα!”


My Mother and I are followers of the devotion of the Flame of Love, and say the Flame of Love Rosary with our Cenacle on Tuesdays as often as we can. We live in Greece and must travel quite a ways to get to our Catholic Church (the only Catholic Church in our area) on Sunday, and we’ve gained some new friends there whom are very dear to our hearts. One of our friends had given us some very sorrowful news one Sunday. Giving us a paper with the results from a ct scan, she explained that she had been to a Doctor and was diagnosed with a brain tumor on the top of her spine, and before that Sunday she had gone for another appointment and they discovered that it had grown. Because of the tumors location an operation was too dangerous, and having a sick Mother at home whom she was the soul care giver for she was fearing the worst and was very saddened and troubled. My Mother, having worked as a PSW primarily in old age homes, said she would watch over her Mother, whatever happens and that we would put her in our Flame of Love cenacle Rosary as well as other prayers.

We began saying the Flame of Love Rosary for her everyday, along with some offered sacrifices and sufferings. The next week we saw her again, but this time she was very joyful and pulled us both aside and said to us that she was happy, and despite what she was going through, she knew that everything would be okay, and the hope that my Mother gave her by telling her she would take care of her mother gave her so much comfort. She told us she could not despair and that we shouldn’t either about her condition, but to be glad and happy because Jesus gave her strength. That Tuesday, we made known the prayer intention for our friend in our Flame of Love cenacle, that Gods Will may be done for her and her Mother, as it is the best thing for them, and that they may have the graces in order to except His Will with love in their hearts.

The next Sunday, after mass had ended, we all gathered together as we usually do for some tea or coffee, when she made an announcement. She gave another paper with new results, saying that the previous week she had gone back to the Doctor to see if the tumor had grown, and when they did the check up, it was gone! “Nothing!” She said, “τίποτα!”. She said she had prayed much to Jesus, and I firmly believe that our prayers of the Flame of Love cenacle united to her own prayers from a loving and joyful heart, the congregations prayers, along with our Blessed Mothers prayers through the Flame of Love Rosary are makers of such miracles.

Praise be to God for His Glorious Deeds!


Diane Salem

There were 4 leaders in attendance at the Maryland Flame of Love leaders meeting held on Monday, May 2, 2022.  Before we began the meeting, one of the ladies who had lived in the Philadelphia area asked me if I had known Eileen George.  I told her I had heard of her from people in the Philadelphia Flame of Love, but never knew her personally.  There was no particular context for this question, we were just chatting until the others joined our call.

We prayed the rosary and FOL prayers, then opened up discussion about our cenacles and other Flame of Love business.  All were feeling rather down with dwindling numbers the past few weeks.  One of the leaders mentioned she felt surrounded by death and related 2 stories in which she and her husband had been with someone who died within a few weeks.  They also recently drove up on an accident.  The person in front of them, in a truck, stopped at the scene and so did our leader and her husband.  Our leader was praying as she left her car and approached the accident area.  The accident victim seemed to be fine in spite of the fact that her car had flipped in the air and rolled over several times, landing in a field.  A medic passing by stopped and checked her vitals while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.  A few hours later the woman died.  

As we finished our meeting, we read the next Devout Life Teaching.  We have always read these since we first began our state leader monthly meetings over 5 years ago when Tony Mullen gave us permission to hold our own meetings.  We read the teachings in order and this was today’s reading:

3.13 –

Seeing the Mysteries of the Kingdom

By experiencing God through mental prayer, the devout soul gains great power to touch God’s heart. The following stories to encourage you to intercede “for the saints as God wills” (Rom.8:27).

The Grace of Anticipation

One day, on the way to church, Eileen George, a mystic, saw a truck which had been in an accident. The driver had died. She began to pray for him. On the way home, she again passed the truck and God said, “Your prayer saved that person’s soul”. She protested, “But I only began praying after he had died.” God said, “I know, but I saw your prayer and bestowed the grace of forgiveness in his heart so he was saved.” She calls this the “grace of anticipation”. God, knowing someone needs a grace, anticipates the prayers of an intercessor, and grants the grace even though the prayer (in earthly time) was said later.

This is a very consoling teaching. We can pray even after a person has died because time in the Kingdom is not the same as time on earth. This “grace of anticipation” highlights the power of intercession.

Saving Souls From Hell

On January 8, 1937, St. Faustina prayed, “Jesus, I beg you by the inconceivable power of your mercy, that all the souls who will die today escape the fire of hell, even if they have been the greatest sinners”. Jesus answered, “I see that this was dictated by your pure love for me; that is why I am complying with your requests”. (Notebook #873) This extraordinary gift means that everyone who died on January 8, 1937 will be in heaven. Probably, many had died that day, even before Faustina said the prayer. This, again, was the Grace of Anticipation.

Heaven penetrates human life. When a person is devout, earthly life and heavenly life intermingle. Time and eternity mix freely. By devotion, you can call down God’s glory upon earth. In your mental prayer, intercede with great faith. God, with all his saints and angels, is listening.

St. Francis deSales

The saints’ lives are filled with powerful intercession. As St. Francis deSales was traveling to a monastery on foot, when a gigantic snow storm began. Soon, he realized that his life was in danger. He raised his eyes, said his prayer, and the snow stopped.

The saints say:

  1. I felt that I was God’s Queen and I used my new title to ask the King for every possible benefit for his subjects. (STL)
  2. Asking for a month, a year, ten years or twenty years is not enough. We must ask until the moment of death. (SLdeM)
  3. When I pray for what God wants, I am speaking clearly to someone who listens eagerly. (STA)\
  4. In answer to my prayers, God frequently delivered people from serious sins. (STA)

Group Discussion:

  1. Do you believe that God responds to your prayers? Were there moments when your request was granted? Do you join hearts and ask God with others?
  2. Do you pray each day for blessings? Did you ever pray and God showed you what to do?

We were completely astounded!!!  We knew this teaching was meant for us today, to uplift us in where God is placing us and in what our role is in the Flame of Love.  This was very powerful for us.  We all knew that prayers said after a person’s death are efficacious, but this is a new context.  Is God placing us in situations where we are the intercessors for people we don’t even know or just met and is interceding for people to receive the Grace of Forgiveness that simple???  Through the mention of Eileen George’s name, we knew God was speaking to us through her words, recorded by the wonderful priest who wrote these Devout Life Teachings.  

All In the Journey –From Boot Camp to Heaven


Late in 1970, my mother had a serious operation to remove cancer. The doctors removed her bladder and both of her kidneys. Dad and I waited anxiously during the long operation.

Afterwards, the doctors told us that we could see her shortly, but that she would be unconscious, and that she would not make it out of the recovery room alive.  I went to the hospital chapel and promised God that, if my mother lived, I would go to Mass and Communion every day for the rest of my life, although at that point in time, I had been away from the church for 15 years or more.

Mom recovered! – and lived another nine years…. but, I didn’t keep my promise. I truthfully thought that her well-being had been ordained by God, without my having anything to do with it. After all, who was I but a Catholic in name only, and not in good standing. God wouldn’t answer me; I was too far gone – a lost cause. He had forgotten all about me, and I understood His feeling that way.

Later, in December of 1994, my two sons took a three-week vacation together in Australia and New Guinea.  Being so far away, I was concerned about them, and decided to pray that they would be safe, God would look after them. However, I realized that God wouldn’t listen to me if I weren’t in the state of grace, so I went to Confession – all 40 years of it. Then I remembered my broken promise. It was time to set things right.

Shortly thereafter, during a daily 2 hour commute out of State – all of a sudden, out of the blue, I turned off the car radio and began praying the Rosary – constantly – on my fingers, (because I didn’t own a Rosary).  Just saying the prayers – without meditation, and without even knowing the names of the 15 mysteries.

The ‘short version’ of the next 20 years is that I progressed in love and admiration for, and, gratitude and devotion to, Mary, my Mother: I found myself participating in:

Daily Mass and Communion;

  • Total Consecration to Mary;
  • A Daily Rosary – sometimes the entire 15 mysteries;
  • A developed love for the Crucifix, Jesus’ Passion, and, later, the Stations of the Cross;
  •  Active ministry bringing Catholic speakers / healers / mystics into our parish;
  • Profession as a Third Order Carmelite;
  • Heavy spiritual reading;

Gradually getting closer to Jesus, through His Mother.

In December, 2013, I discovered the Flame of Love, through Tony Mullen, and gradually began practicing and promoting the Cause on my own.

A year later, Tony asked me to join the FOL team and, naturally, I said: “Yes.” How could I do otherwise, regarding the ‘Greatest Grace since the Word became flesh?’ My primary thought was to help Mary save souls, just like she had done for me. I didn’t realize the profound impact this would have on my personal, spiritual life.

 Since then the Blessed Virgin has helped me to grow much further. This progress isn’t always noticeable on a daily basis, but is very apparent in hindsight.  I realize now that everything Mary did with me and for me before, (or should I say, ‘let me do with HER’) was just the prelude – the warmup – for the Flame of Love Cause, which is the zenith of apostolates at this time in human history. I realize, now, that frustrations, trials, and even failures, are just the ‘boot camp’ for paradise, as long as we keep Jesus and Mary at our side.

My goal?  To be a part of the lowest portion of the most humble of creatures – Mary’s heel – to help crush the serpent

My epitaph?  “Thank-you, Jesus for giving us your Mother; thank-you, Mary for loving and saving this sinner…. and so many others.”

Biopsy – Be Gone!

From Gloria

After mass one Sunday, I was introduced to The Flame Of Love. My friends from Saint Anthony of Padua parish told me that I needed to read the book and how powerful it was. Having a deep devotion to Our Lady and going to Medjugorje and Lourdes, I kept trying to comprehend it. Time after time I picked the book up and then put it down. I got to the point where I was so frustrated that I threw it in the trash.

One Friday afternoon I decided to go to the Prayer Cenacle at St. Anthony’s and see what it was all about. After I had gone a few times to the Prayer Cenacle, my husband discovered a lump under his left ear. The doctor confirmed that, yes, it was a (lump) mass! The doctor gave him an antibiotic and told him to come back in two weeks. After taking the antibiotic, the lump did go down a little. I continued praying the novena and blessing the lump with St. Albert’s holy water, from the Carmelite Monastery.

After two weeks we went back to the doctor. He said we needed to get an ultrasound and a biopsy. He gave us a prescription saying it was a mass! We were scared to death. I continued to ask Our Lady to please intervene for us! When we went to get the ultrasound they also saw the mass. Our next step was the biopsy. It was scheduled for late in the afternoon. I must say that I was literally shaking with fear, praying that it wasn’t malignant and ashamed of myself for not giving it up to the Lord and trusting!!!!

We sat at the hospital and waited literally two hours before getting the biopsy, and we couldn’t understand what was taking so long. The doctor walked into the room saying; “I don’t know why you are scheduled for this biopsy, there is nothing there”!!! 

We went into shock, we couldn’t believe it! 
With tears streaming down my face, I flew out of my seat and hugged and kissed the doctor. I talked to Msgr. McHenry about it, and with the biggest smile ever, he said “There are miracles every day Gloria”! I truly believe that through the Flame of Love my husband was healed! We praised and thanked Our Lady and Our Dear Lord for the Flame of Love and this special miracle!