of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Flame of Love

Sacred Heart Parish Mission, Paonia, CO – May 8, 2021

This series of videos is from our first Rural Parish Mission given at Sacred Heart Parish in Paonia, CO, USA on May 8, 2021.
Theme: Friendship with God: Grace, Love, and Divinization

The goal of the mission was to connect the dots: just what is salvation, what is the plan, what is God doing, how is He doing it, why is He doing it. We then look at the role of Grace in making this plan of salvation happen. Next, we discuss how the Flame of Love Movement as the Movement of Grace supports this plan of salvation and conclude with a Flame of Love prayer cenacle.

The order of presentation is:
Opening Comments and Prayer – poor sound quality
An Overview of Salvation – John Sullivan
An Overview of Salvation – Father Mike Davis
Reconciliation and Friendship with God – Monsignor Ralph Chieffo
The Role of Grace in the Plan of Salvation – John Sullivan
Regina Coeli – Father Mike Davis
The Flame of Love as the Movement of Grace – John Sullivan
Question and Answser Session
Flame of Love Cenacle – Eileen Piergiovanni & John Sullivan
Closing Comments and Blessing

What is Salvation Handout:

Friendship with God Handout:

The Role of Grace in Salvation Handout:

The Flame of Love as the Movement of Grace Handout: