Today’s Consuming Fire Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s Scriptures
Wednesday of the Thirtieth Week of Ordinary Time
Working Unto The Lord
The supervisor continually oversaw the good functioning of these machines and was ready to stop them immediately. He did not want a hundredth of a millimeter of error.” Jesus used this memory to describe Himself as her supervisor. “I remind you of these facts so you see that you gained success from your application and your conscientious work, not from your knowledge (Jesus) (November 10, 1962)
Today’s Readings: Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ, not only when being watched, as currying favor, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, willingly serving the Lord and not men, knowing that each will be requited from the Lord for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free (Ephesians 6)
Prayer Meditation- Lord we all know work can feel like slavery and drudgery not matter what kind of work we do, even if we work at home or within our families. But we are not working unto man but unto You! Lord let us offer our conscientious work to You as a loving sacrifice today to glorify You and to save souls!