of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


Prayer:  O Jesus, take me up the mountain with you.

Imagination:  (Picture Jesus transfigured in glory with his 3 apostles.)


Peter has just proclaimed (by faith) that Jesus is the Messiah.  Now, these three apostles experience Jesus as the Messiah.  Also, the Father says that Jesus is his “Beloved Son”, the same title given at Jesus’ Baptism.  Elijah and Moses appear. They, too, share in Jesus’ fullness.  All of these religious experiences confirm that Jesus is the Messiah.

Gospel Text:  (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Jesus took Peter, James and John up a high mountain to pray. While he was praying, his face changed in appearance and his clothes became dazzlingly white.  Suddenly, two men were talking with him – Moses and Elijah.  They appeared in glory and spoke of his passage which he was about to fulfill in Jerusalem.  Peter and those with him had fallen asleep.  When they woke, they saw his glory and the two men with him.  As the two men were leaving, Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us make three tents – one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”  He did not realize what he said.

A cloud overshadowed them.  They were afraid as Moses and Elijah entered into the cloud.  A voice came out of the cloud and said, “This is my Beloved Son, listen to him.”  Then, they were alone with Jesus.  The disciples kept quiet, telling nothing of what they had seen to anyone.

Thoughts:  (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. The three apostles had no idea where Jesus was taking them.  They just followed him in faith.
  2. Upon arriving, they had the greatest possible religious experience. They saw Jesus in his glory.
  3. Even more, Moses and Elijah speak with Jesus about his future death in Jerusalem.
  4. Peter experiences overwhelming joy.  He wants to erect three tents and stay there.
  5. The Father enters the scene with a clear message.  Jesus is his Son and they must listen.
  6. The holiness and power of God overwhelm them.
  7. Fortunately, when all is over, Jesus remains with them.
  8. The gift remains locked in their hearts until after Jesus rises from the dead.

Affections:  (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  1. O Jesus, every morning I will ascend the mountain of prayer.
  2. I will meet you, Jesus.  I will see your glory and you will claim my heart.
  3. You are the center of all history.  You are the whole purpose of my life.
  4. The Father speaks.  I hear his words.  He tells me who you are.
  5. O Jesus, I will listen only to you.
  6. Your glory fills me with a fear.  Let me never be separated from you.
  7. O Jesus, stay with me.

Resolutions:  (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

  1. I will be faithful to daily mental prayer.
  2. I will remain with Jesus, never walking away from him.

Thought for the day: (To recall your meditation)

While he was praying, his face was changed in appearance.