O Jesus, call me to serve you.
See Peter on his knees before Jesus in the boat.
Peter has witnessed many of Jesus’ miracles but this miracle is unique. Peter is a fisherman. He knows that filling both boats with fish is impossible in the daylight. This is the perfect miracle. It drives Peter to his knees.
Gospel Text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud.)
Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder those that attract you.)
- Peter’s boat and Peter’s heart were empty before Jesus acted.
- After catching the fish, Peter experiences a fullness which he cannot explain.
- Jesus of Nazareth stands at the center of this story. He has brought about the great catch of fish.
- Peter realizes that he is “a sinful man”. Wanting to resolve his pain, he asks Jesus to depart.
- Jesus has a better solution. He invites Peter into a new holiness and a new task.
- Peter will be a “fisher of men.” This great call gets the disciples to leave everything behind.
Affections: (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)
- O Lord, I am empty. I have fished all night and caught nothing.
- My world, my career and my human goals do not fill me.
- I will obey you and put out deeper into the devout life.
- Suddenly, my little boat has your abundant fullness.
- O Lord, I cannot handle all my feelings. Depart from me.
- As I kneel at your feet, Jesus, I hear you call me to serve your Kingdom.
- For you, everything is left behind. Everything!
Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)
+ For a few minutes today, I will take my boat into the ocean of prayer.
+ I will accept God’s holy light, no matter what it reveals.
Thought for Today: (To recall your meditation.)
Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinful man.