Come, Holy Spirit. Make Jesus the center of my attention.
Picture Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet.
Luke places this story right after the Good Samaritan to emphasize that the disciple must first love Jesus. Serving others is important (like the Good Samaritan) but not enough to be a disciple. Personal love is the first quality.
Gospel Text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud.)
When Jesus entered a village, a woman named Martha invited him to come to her home. She had a sister named Mary, who delighted in sitting at the Lord’s feet and listening to him.
Martha was burdened with the task of serving. So, she stood and said, “Lord, are you not upset that my sister leaves me alone to do the serving? Tell her to help me.” Jesus replied, “Martha, Martha, you are troubled about many things. One thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.”
Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder those that attract you.)
- Martha is filled with good will. She invites Jesus to her home and prepares the meal.
- Jesus accepts both Martha’s activity and Mary’s personal attention.
- Martha causes the problem. She cannot see the value of her sister just sitting with Jesus.
- At this point, Jesus is forced to defend Mary’s choice.
- Mary’s attention to Jesus is the disciple’s first obligation. Martha’s activity is his second.
Affections: (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)
- Jesus, come into my life. Come into my home. My door is wide open.
- Be the center of all my attention.
- Speak, Lord. I will listen.
- Lord, absorb my faculties by your overwhelming presence.
- You will make me a disciple and I will act to serve you.
- O Jesus, I will embrace my tasks in the Kingdom.
Resolution: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)
+ Today, I will seek some quiet moments to spend in Jesus’ presence.
+ I will prize the interior life of prayer (which I so often neglect).
Thought for Today: (To recall your meditation.)
Mary sat at his feet listening to him. She chose the better part.