of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Week Three of Lent – Tuesday, March 14th

Week Three of Lent – Tuesday, March 14th

The Unmerciful Servant (Mt 18:23-35)


O Jesus, fill my heart with the Holy Spirit of mercy towards others.


Picture Jesus with his disciples.


This parable about the Last Judgment highlights the deepest secret of discipleship. They must learn how to forgive. The warning is serious. God, who has granted the disciple forgiveness will revoke that forgiveness if the disciple does not forgive others. Everything is at stake.

The parable also offers a unique comfort. If we forgive others, then God’s mercy will extends to the Final Judgment.

Gospel Text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud.)

(Scene 1) The Kingdom of Heaven is like a King who decided to settle all his accounts. One servant owed him ten thousand talents. The King wanted his family and his goods sold so payment could be made. The servant said, “Have patience with me and I will pay everything.”  Moved with pity, the king forgave the debt.

(Scene 2) When this servant left, he found his fellow-servant who owed him a hundred pence. Laying hands on him, he said, “Pay what you owe.” The fellow-servant, prostrating himself, said “Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.” However, he would not. Instead, he threw him into prison until the debt was paid.

(Scene 3) The other servants were very grieved and told the King what had happened. He called the servant and said, “Wicked servant, I forgave you the entire debt when you asked me. Should you not, then, have compassion on your fellow servant as I did on you?” Filled with anger, he handed the servant over to the torturers until he paid all. So shall my Heavenly Father do to you, if you do not forgive all your brothers from your heart.

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. This “accounting” represents the Final Judgment. For the forgiving disciple, this Final Judgment will be filled with mercy.
  2. The false disciple claims that he will repay the master. However, the amount he owes is so astounding that he will never be able to pay.
  3. He seeks only a reprieve, a postponement of the accounting. Instead, the King forgives the whole debt unconditionally.
  4. Although forgiven, the disciple does not imitate the King’s forgiving generosity.
  5. Jesus’ conclusion is clear. The Final Judgment will be a time of mercy only if “You forgive your brother from your heart.”

Affections: (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Jesus, you have revealed how I can receive mercy on Judgment Day.
  • Lord, may the moment of that judgment be always before my eyes.
  • Lord, what I owe to you I can never repay.
  • Teach me to forgive from my heart.
  • O Jesus, You are always patient with me.Your compassion overflows.
  • Jesus, let me hold no one in my debt. Then, I will also be set free.

Resolutions:  (Possibly you might want to make your own)

+  Today, I will thank God for his patience and mercy.

+  I will show forgiveness to everyone.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your Meditation.)

Moved with compassion, the King forgave the whole debt.