Prayer: O Jesus, let me follow you to Jerusalem.
Imagination – (Picture Jesus with his disciples and the Pharisees.)
Seemingly, the Pharisees are warning Jesus to leave Herod’s territory. Really, they want him to go to Jerusalem where they have more power. Jesus knows their plans and says that he will arrive in Jerusalem in time for his death.
Gospel Text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud.)
That same day, some Pharisees came and said to Jesus, “Depart from this place because Herod is thinking about killing you. Jesus replied, “Go and tell that fox that I cast out devils and heal today and tomorrow, and on the third day my purpose is accomplished.” Nevertheless, I must proceed on course, today and tomorrow and the following day, because no prophet can be allowed to die anywhere except in Jerusalem.
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you. How often I would have gathered your children as a mother bird collects her young under her wing, and you refused me!
Your temple will be left abandoned and I say that you shall not see me until the time comes when you say, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)
1. Jesus, the man of peace, experiences hostility from every side
2. Jesus fears no one. He will continue his ministry until it is complete. Then he will leave.
3. He knows the Father’s plan. He can only die in Jerusalem.
4. Jesus loves Jerusalem. He weeps over the city. Shedding his blood will have little effect. Many will not believe.
5. He would save Jerusalem from the Roman destruction. Instead, their temple will be destroyed.
6. He will come again when Israel will believe in him as Lord.
Affections: (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)
1. O Jesus, in the middle of my turmoil, fill me with your peace.
2. Let me be faithful to the work your Father has given to me.
3. O Jesus, you know the place and time of my death. Be with me in that moment.
4. You shed your blood for me. I will not let your sacrifice be in vain.
5. You would gather me in and protect me in your arms. Hold me, Jesus.
6. You are the King and you are coming again. I will await you.
Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)
1. I will fulfill the task God gives me today.
2. I will ask Jesus to pour his blood upon me.
Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation)
Jerusalem, Jerusalem. How I wanted to gather you like a mother hen gathers her young.