of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


(Luke 14:15-24)

Prayer: O Jesus, let me respond now to your banquet invitation.

Imagination: (Picture Jesus with His disciples.)


In Jesus’ time, a popular, story told about a tax collector who decided to invite all the prominent people to a banquet. Naturally, these prominent people did not want to attend. The tax-collector then decided to fill his house with the poor. When the house is filled, he makes certain that those originally invited will never get in.   Jesus applies this story to the Kingdom. Some things are out of God’s control. God prepares the Kingdom and sends the messengers. Yet, each person is free. No matter what God does, some will never taste “the bread of the Kingdom.”

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

A man who heard the parable of inviting the poor to supper said to Jesus, “Blessed is the man who shall eat bread in the Kingdom of God”. Jesus told him this parable.

A man had a great supper and invited many. He sent his servant at the hour of the supper to say to those who were invited that they should come because everything was ready. They began all at once to make excuses. The first said, “I have bought a farm and must go to see it.” The second said, “I have bought four yoke of oxen and I want to try them. Please hold me excused.” The third said, “I have married a wife and cannot come.”

When the servant told his master these things, he grew angry and said, “Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in here the poor, the sick, the blind, and the lame. The servant returned and said, “Lord, it is done as you commanded and still there is room. The master said, “Go into the highways and the byways and compel them to come in, so my house shall be filled. But, I say to you, “None that were invited, shall taste of my supper.”

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. The parable presents a great warning. Many people have heard the gospel but reject Jesus.
  2. They even group together and support each other in their rejection.
  3. They have more important tasks than to respond to the kingdom.
  4. The host reacts with anger, sending his servant to invite the marginal people.
  5. These do not need two invitations.
  6. They feel unworthy and must be taken by the hand to accept.
  7. There is no last minute reprieve. The house has no room left for those invited first.
  8. Some will never taste “the bread of the Kingdom.”

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  1. O God, you call. You invite. But, I must say “yes”.
  2. O Jesus, no tasks are more important than accepting your kingdom.
  3. O Lord, I see all who are entering the banquet. Why should I remain outside?
  4. It’s not too late. Your parable warns me to accept now.
  5. You will not reject me. I can still eat the bread of the Kingdom.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

  1. I will treasure Jesus’ invitation to the banquet more than anything else in the world.
  2. I will thirst for the bread of the Kingdom.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation)

“None of those invited shall taste of my supper.”