O Jesus, how great is your power to free me.
Picture Jesus with his disciples as he frees the two possessed men.
Matthew takes this story from Mark’s gospel (5:1-20) but he shortens Mark’s story. In doing so, he highlights Jesus’ power. Unfortunately, the people ask him to leave.
Gospel Text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud).
Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder those that attract you.)
- The demons love death and they lead possessed people to seek refuge among the tombs.
- Jesus changed that. Cemeteries are no longer a place of death. They are a place of sleeping where the dead await their rising.
- The two men possess the fierce, destructive powers of the demons chasing others away.
- The demons know that Jesus’ power will chase them away.
- The time of their ouster is at hand. They thought they had a permanent place of rest.
- With one phrase, Jesus expels them and frees the two men.
- Their destructive forces turn against the swine. They die in the sea which Jesus has just calmed. (He has power there also).
- The people make a terrible decision. They ask Jesus to leave. How many more miracles he would have done!
Affections: (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)
- O Jesus, you have conquered death. I no longer fear the tomb.
- All is changed. I will sleep in peace waiting for you to say, “Arise.”
- O Jesus, cast out all destructive forces in my life.
- You have greater power. You are the victor and I am your spoils.
- You shorten the time. You come for me early. Come, Lord Jesus.
- Free me, Jesus, like you freed these two men.
- Stay in my life and be King of my soul.
Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own )
+ I will stay away from all demonic powers.
+ I will invite Jesus to stay with me.
Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)
They asked him to leave their city.