Prayer –
Lord Jesus, give me a humble and accepting heart.
(Imagine Jesus reprimanding his disciples.)
Jesus sent out 72 disciples to proclaim the Kingdom. They have just returned with all the good news of their successes. This text is filled with rejoicing. Advent, unlike Lent, is a time to rejoice because “The Lord is near.”
Gospel Text (Read slowly, possibly aloud.)
Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)
- Jesus rejoices because the disciples are understanding the Kingdom.
- This understanding is withheld from the worldly wise and prudent.
- Jesus credits his heavenly Father, who has revealed these mysteries to the little ones.
- Jesus has the power to reveal even the Father himself.
- Jesus will reveal these mysteries to all. First, they must become his disciple.
Affections: (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)
- Jesus, reveal to me the mysteries of the Kingdom.
- Even more, reveal the Father himself.
- As my heart is caught up with the Father, You will rejoice in me.
- When I was wise and prudent, you could not do this. Now, I am your little one.
- O Jesus, all that is yours is to become mine. What a mystery!
Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own).
+ I will find time for solitude, so Jesus can reveal the Father.
+ I will cherish the mysteries of Jesus’ Kingdom.