Prayer –
O Lord, let me be ready to welcome you.
(Picture Jesus teaching his disciples in the temple area)
With these words, Jesus concludes a long speech that spoke of Jerusalem’s destruction, persecutions and the end of the world. His final advice uses the image of a gatekeeper who must always be ready for the master to return, (a fitting gospel to begin the Advent season).
Gospel Text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud.)
Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you).
- The master returning at an unknown hour was common in Palestine.
- The master gives each servant a job.
- Jesus specifically mentions the gatekeeper. He can never complete his task and must always be watching.
- His task is the most difficult because the master has no scheduled hour for a return.
- The parable lists four times for his return. All are inconvenient.
- Being constantly on watch is the basic duty of a disciple. This parable sharpens that command.
Affections: (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)
- O Jesus, I am so caught up in earthly concerns that I forget to think of you.
- You come at any time, and expect me to be watching.
- You have given me a task in the Kingdom. How lucky I am.
- You station me at the gate and tell me to await you, the King of Kings.
- You do not tell me when you are coming, but I love you so much that it does not matter.
- Whenever you come, I will be watching. This is what you told me to do.
Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)
+ During advent, I will give more time to prayer.
+ I will be attentive to Jesus’ inspirations.