Lord Jesus, set me free in the power of your name.
Picture the possessed man coming to Jesus and his disciples.
Although this story seems strange, biblical scholars agree that it happened. (Although it probably is two stories joined together.) Jesus began his ministry to Israel with an exorcism. Now, as he reaches Gentile territory for the first time, he again performs an exorcism.
Gospel Text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud.)
Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)
- The devil loves the tombs, where all is death.
- The man’s state is horrendous. He is lonely, insane and self-destructive.
- When Jesus arrives, however, he senses that he can find freedom and new life.
- The devils know that Jesus possesses greater power and that they are about to lose their control.
- Since Jesus has authority, they must admit that they are a legion of devils.
- They are helpless. Soon, they will surrender their resting place.
Affections: (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)
- O Jesus, without you I am as good as dead to all that you have created.
- My life would have only loneliness, endless torture and anxiety.
- But you came into my life. Your light pierced my darkness and I came to you.
- Lord, your power is greater than my demons. In your name, I am free.
- O Jesus, I run to you. I see in you a light of hope.
Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)
+ I will not lose hope in facing the darkness of despair.
+ I will call out to Jesus to use his power.