Jesus, let me seek you, find you and be blessed by your power.
Picture the crowds pressing upon Jesus.
These crowds in Galilee are enthusiastic. In fact, by their lively faith they somewhat force Jesus to heal. He seems more comfortable in the solitude of prayer or in teaching the disciples.
Gospel Text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud.)
When they landed on the shore at Gennesaret, the crowds immediately recognized him. Going throughout the whole countryside, they began to carry those who were sick to the place where they heard he was.
Wherever he went, into towns or villages or cities, they laid the sick on the streets and beseeched him that they be allowed to touch even the hem of his garment. As many as touched him, were made whole.
Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)
- Jesus attracts the crowds. They know his power and his kindness.
- They so desire to see Jesus that they find out where he is.
- The people’s gigantic faith spurs gigantic efforts. They gather up all the sick from the whole countryside.
- They do not ask Jesus to teach or even to lay hands. They only ask him to stay still until the sick touch his garment.
- The results are amazing. Everyone gets healed. No one is sent away disappointed.
Affections: (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)
- O Jesus, You are so kind. You do not limit your power.
- Give me gigantic faith! A fullness of belief! An overwhelming confidence!
- I will search for you, Jesus, all the days of my life.
- Just be still, Jesus. Let me come close to you. I will stay in your presence.
- Your power will go forth. You will strengthen me and I will serve you.
Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)
+ Today, I will seek Jesus, knowing that he will welcome me.
+ My faith will move me to action.