of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 Week Thirty-Two Of Ordinary Time

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 Week Thirty-Two Of Ordinary Time

The Ten Lepers (Lk 17:11-19)


Come, Holy Spirit. Fill me with a spirit of thanksgiving.


 Picture the one leper returning to give thanks.


                This story is somewhat like a parable, ending with Jesus pronouncing the Samaritan’s saving faith. Obviously, the group consisted of nine Jewish lepers and one Samaritan. Their illness bonded them together and overcame their religious differences. The Samaritan emulates Naaman, a Syrian, who in the Old Testament returned to thank the prophet Elisha for healing him of leprosy (2 Kg 5:15).

Gospel Text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud.)

                As Jesus was going to Jerusalem, he passed through Samaria and Galilee. In a certain town, ten lepers met him. Standing far away, they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, master, have pity on us.”

                Upon seeing them, Jesus said, “Go and show yourselves to the priest.” As they went, they were cleansed. One, seeing he was cleansed, went back, glorifying God in a loud voice. Falling on his face, he gave thanks. He was a Samaritan.

                Jesus asked, “Were not ten made clean? Where are the other nine? Is there no one found to return and give thanks except this stranger?” Jesus said, “Get up and go your way. Your faith has made you whole.”

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. All ten see their unique opportunity. Jesus has come to their village.
  2.  United in prayer, all ten “lift up their voices” and ask for pity.
  3. All are obedient. All go to the priest. All are cleansed.
  4. Nine return home, thinking they have no further responsibility.
  5. Only one leper sees the need to return to Jesus. He alone receives total wholeness.
  6. Jesus is disappointed. He wants to give total wholeness, but the nine did not return.
  7. Only a stranger receives the full gift.

Affections: (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Jesus, you will come to me today.
  • I will grasp that special moment.
  • My heart will call out to you.
  • Cleanse me of the leprosy of my sins.
  • Jesus, I will not forget you.
  • I will return to give thanks and You will bless me even more.
  • Do not let me disappoint you.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will thank those who have helped me in the past – parents, teachers, friends.

+ All day long, I will give thanks for God’s blessings.

Thought For The Day: (To recall your meditation.)

“Go on your way, your faith has made you whole.”