of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
We Are His Instruments- Are We All In?

We Are His Instruments- Are We All In?

Today’s Consuming Fire
Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s

Saturday of the Fourth Week of Easter

We Are His Instruments- Are We All In?

Do you want to continue being an instrument? Do you want to climb with Me the Mount of Calvary, the Golgotha? If so, your place is beside the Mother of Sorrows. The Flame of Love of her heart that she wishes to enkindle on earth through you demands a total commitment on your part.  (Jesus) (March 24, 1963)

Today’s Gospel: For so the Lord has commanded us, I have made you a light to the Gentiles, that you may be an instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 13)

Prayer Meditation: O Lord Paul and Barnabas and all the Apostles were all in! Being all in is scary- it involves sacrifice and commitment and pushing forward, not looking back. Yet if we climb with You on the road to Calvary, You have promised us every spiritual blessing including Our Mother who is waiting for our fiat to pour out Her Flame of Love on a hurting world! Let us meditate and prepare ourselves to be His instruments!

female statue