Written by Fr. Kevin Barrett – Chaplin
Then the Virgin spoke: “My anguish comes from the danger that threatens the whole world because families are no longer places of prayer. I want to save the world, and I want you to be the first to experience this immense power to blind Satan. You will receive the great grace by which we will save souls from eternal condemnation.”
Virgin Mary to Elizabeth Kindelmann
My dear friends in the Holy Family,
As we begin a New Year of grace, 2023, the wonder of Christmas still lingers in our hearts! The God Whom the whole universe cannot contain, enclosed Himself in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary! He was born in the humblest of settings, the cave of Bethlehem, then chose to live the hidden life of the Holy Family for 30 of His 33 years on earth, sanctifying all the ordinary activities of the family.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the Holy Family is an icon of the mystery of the Holy Trinity, one God in three Divine Persons given completely to one another in an eternal communion of love!
Jesus revealed to us that God is our Father, Mary is our Mother, and that Jesus is our Brother & Savior; we are God’s family! Is it any wonder satan relentlessly attacks the family, and God’s plan for marriage & human sexuality? “The future of the world & the Church passes through the family” said Pope St. John Paul II.
Let us fight confidently with the Flame of Love prayers that Heaven has provided for us in our times, blinding satan, and assisting our Mother & Queen, to crush the serpent with her heel, by means of faithful humble families!