of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
There is a BLAZE in Kenya!

There is a BLAZE in Kenya!

Wonderful News from Kenya!

Hello, all.  I thought I would share with you this wonderful news from Steve in rural Kenya.  Some of you may have seen the video of his small but joyful procession from a year ago.  What a difference a year makes as you will see in this video.

Not only do we now have a Flame of Love Retreat Center in Kenya but Steve tells me the diocesan bishop signed the official paperwork last week.  Monica, I don’t know if this episcopal approval will help you in Nairobi.

Steve goes on to write “We had 500 seats all used, 500 prayer cards all went, 500 one page rosary prayer all went.” And “This is purely God’s mercy.  I can’t even explain – I only thank God for this.”

I don’t want to embarrass Steve but this is a testament to what our Blessed Mother can do with one creative man who said yes and, with almost no materials and support, traveled from village to village on his motorbike to spread the Flame of Love.  So, be creative! As Jesus told Elizabeth, and never lose hope.  Our Blessed Mother can work miracles anywhere.

Thank you to those of you who helped provide some financial assistance to help Kenya get off the ground and to Monica who was essential to get the first and only shipment of Diaries to Steve.

Thank you dear Mother; thank you dearest Lord, and thank you Steve for your unwavering and persevering yes.

John Sullivan

Flame of Love International Communications and Dissemination