Today’s Consuming Fire Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s Scriptures
Thursday of the Twenty Sixth Week of Ordinary Time
The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength
On the road, I said to Jesus, “You are the apple of my eyes.” He allowed me to feel the exultant joy of His Heart, and said, “You have not said this to Me for a long time. I never tire of hearing it. One cannot grow tired of love. Do you find yourself bored if I say the same thing often?” (Elizabeth/Jesus) (July 9, 1063 )
Today’s Readings: Do not be saddened this day,
for rejoicing in the LORD must be your strength!” (Nehemiah 8)
Prayer Meditation: Lord in the first reading, after the Israelites return to the new temple, they are overwhelmed by hearing Your Word. So overwhelmed because they realize what they had been missing. And they are instructed to rejoice in You because that will be their strength. In the Gospel we see You sending out the disciples to spread the Gospel which is Your Kingdom and they are sent out with little to no extra baggage. We can all get weighed down and saddened by our baggage and our past and what we may have lost. But Lord, Your Word, Your Joy is our strength and will make us ready for anything that stands in front of us. Lord, let us never tire of hearing Your Word but let it rejoice our hearts and refresh our souls (Psalm 19)