of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Flame Helps Us Reach New Heights

The Flame Helps Us Reach New Heights

In celebration of the close of the Christmas Season, the Church gives us the Epiphany of the Lord. The name Epiphany comes from the Greek epiphaneia, meaning “appearance” or “manifestation,” and refers to the manifestation of Jesus Christ to the world. The celebration also marks the day the Magi, or the three kings, who visited the baby Jesus in Bethlehem, bringing Him gifts.

Jesus has come as the Son of God, and now that He has come our lives should be different. In fact, everything is different. We have the Newborn King!

Yet, when we think about how things are different in the world now that we have Jesus, we may become discouraged, in fact, we may be tempted to despair.  We are in the midst of a war, a war against our families, our church and our very souls. While it may seem we are losing at times, we understand that the victory belongs to the Lord as Jesus manifests Himself once again through the Virgin Mary “Because the Flame of Love of the heart of My Mother is Noah’s Ark.” Pg 294 of the Spiritual Diary

First Jesus comes to save us through Her pure and virginal womb and now He comes to us through Her Immaculate Heart. And we know, through reading the Diary and believing in the power of the Flame of Love messages which are given to us from Jesus and Mary, that “There has never been a time of grace like this since the Word became Flesh. Blinding Satan will shake the world.” p79

We were created for this moment in salvation history and the Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann is really a roadmap to holiness and a masterpiece on the gift of suffering.

In this entry of the Diary marked Jan. 1, 1981, Jesus gives us the example of the 3 Wise Men and says..

 “Reach beyond your limits. Look at the three wise men, who made superhuman sacrifice. They left behind their limitations. First and foremost, this is what is expected of the clergy and others consecrated to God and all the believers. ( We must increase beyond the usual measure the intensity of our prayers and sacrifices for peace in the world and for the salvation of souls we have to reach new heights.) Every parish must urgently organize communities of prayers of atonement blessing one another for the sign of the cross.” Jesus to Elizabeth on Jan 1, 1981

In 2023 let’s pray about how we can reach beyond and leave behind our limitations

  • Do you believe Jesus’s Will can be accomplished in YOU and that you can be used as an instrument of grace?
  • What does it mean for the Flame of Love to reach new heights in your soul?
  • What sin ( limitation) are you willing to leave behind so that, through The Flame of Love, the fire of God’s Divine Love may burn in our heart and in the world?
  • What gift can you bring to Jesus in 2023?

Christians believe that the 12 days of Christmas mark the amount of time it took after the birth of Jesus for the 3 Wise Men to travel to Bethlehem for the Epiphany when they recognized Him as the Son of God. What could they have been thinking each day being well aware that they were on a sacred journey to give gifts to the King? Did they get tired, weary from their own human limitations? Were they in constant prayer, every step echoing “where is the Newborn King of the Jews?”  Was there a fire in their hearts? Perhaps their journey, though hard to imagine, was filled with all these emotions and more. Much like our own journey… it took them 12 days after all!

Join me and pray about how we may spend these next 12 months in 2023. While we have no guarantee on tomorrow, I pray our journey may lead us deeper into the Flame of Love. May we place no obstacles in allowing Jesus to manifest Himself in our hearts, in our love for one another or in how we are to be used for the glory of God.

Jesus and Mary, set a fire in our hearts so we may reach NEW HEIGHTS in 2023!

 “Unite your thoughts with Me so our hearts can beat to the same rhythm. Do not look to the right or the left. Look only into My eyes. That will invite you to be recollected and help you to obtain the victory for the success of My work of Redemption.”

Walk with us this year and join our community! Bring your prayers as a gift to the entire world!

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First Reading Epiphany of the Lord

The Glory of Zion

 “Arise, shine, for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
    and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
    and his glory appears over you.
Nations will come to your light,
    and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”

Isaiah 60:1-3  

Written by Jill Metz, US Communications Director