Prayer: O Jesus, I will testify to the whole world about you.
Imagination: (Picture Jesus teaching the apostles at the Last Supper.)
Context: Two powers will confront the world’s hatred – the Spirit’s powerful testimony and the Church’s doctrines, based on Jesus’ own teachings. In spite of this clear light, the world will still kill the disciples.
Gospel Text (Read slowly, possibly aloud.)
Jesus said, “When the Paraclete comes whom I will send you from the Father,
the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he shall testify to me. And you also will testify, because you were with me from the beginning.
These things I have spoken to you, so you will not be scandalized.
They will put you out of the synagogues. In fact, the hour is coming, when whoever kills you, will think he has done a service for God. These things they will do to you, because they have known neither the Father nor me.”
Thoughts (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)
- Jesus has already spoken the Father’s word. Now, the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth, will also speak the Father’s word.
- The Spirit will speak within the hearts of the disciples.
- With the Spirit’s help, the disciples will speak to the whole world about Jesus.
- The result will be exactly the same. Like Jesus, the disciples will be hated, rejected and even killed.
- As always, the problem is the same. The world has not known the Father.
- Because of this blindness, they did not accept Jesus and they will not accept Jesus’ disciples.
Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)
- O Holy Spirit, Jesus has sent you to me.
- O, Holy Spirit, tell me about Jesus.
- Dwell in my heart. I will be quiet and listen to your testimony.
- O Jesus, I will not be silent. I will speak about you to everyone.
- Thank you, Jesus, for warning me about how others will treat me.
- O Jesus, I will tell the whole world. Some will listen and be saved.
Resolutions. (Possibly you might want to make your own.)
- I will set aside time for prayer, so the Spirit can teach me.
- I will be a faithful witness to Jesus.
Thought for the Day. (To recall your meditation)
When the Paraclete comes, he will testify about me and you, also, will testify.