of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Say The Word

Say The Word

Today’s Consuming Fire Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s Scriptures

Monday of the Twenty Fourth Week of Ordinary Time

Say The Word

“But I am not worthy, Lord.” “Nevertheless, I will work a miracle. I will so bless the problem which seems impossible that all will be straightened out.” (Elizabeth/Jesus) (August 3, 1962)

Today’s Readings: “Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof. Therefore, I did not consider myself worthy to come to you; but say the word and let my servant be healed.(Luke 7)

Prayer Meditation- Lord, we are all unworthy, all have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Sometimes this can discourage us- we say Lord don’t trouble yourself with us. Yet Lord despite our unworthiness and brokenness, You do indeed want to enter our roofs- our hearts and our souls and You so want to bless us and work miracles in our lives. Lord give us the faith of the centurion as we receive You at Holy Mass- Jesus, we trust in You!