of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Radio Maria Español – March 05, 2021

Radio Maria Español – March 05, 2021

Love has no language barriers.

Recently, I asked Eileen Piergiovanni to be my guest at the weekly Spanish radio María show. I was not sure if Eileen would be willing to be interviewed because she does not speak Spanish! I was so pleasantly surprised when she enthusiastically agreed to come and share her deep insights on Our Lady’s Flame of Love Grace. With the help of a translator Eileen ignited the flame in so many Spanish hearts across the United States and specifically in South Florida.

When I thanked Eileen for joining us in our Spanish show, she lovingly responded: “everything for Our Lady.” Eileen proceeded to tell us about how her grandma introduced her to Our Lady, and taught her how to light a candle with a prayer and how to love her Blessed Mother in heaven. These are precious memories for Eileen, and she continued to tell us about how the memories of her grandmother are that she loved our Blessed Mother very much and that she taught her how to love Her very much!!

Among other beautiful things, Eileen also told our Spanish audience of the importance of reading the Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann. In her own words: “ The Diary is a beautiful gift from God. And the most striking feature of the Diary of the FOL is the joy that you receive as a gift. You still have suffering but you do receive joy. The joy comes from prayer and the FOL prayers blind Satan. And when Satan is blind, we are free to experience a taste of heaven on earth!”

Eileen continued to tell us that Our Lady is simple and humble. She wants to save all souls. Our Lady helps us to grow in holiness in the Diary and the Diary in turn teaches us to grow closer to Jesus !

Fasting and sacrifices saves souls, and we’re supposed to fast and sacrifice. Also, Eileen said we are to eliminate all distractions that take us away from growing in intimacy with Our Lord!

There is much more that Eileen shared with our Spanish listeners, but for the sake of time and space I must end now.

Eileen Piergiovanni, our National director with her example witnessed that there is no barrier such as language that “Love” can not overcome!

A BIG thank you to Eileen from our Spanish listeners for such a beautiful interview!! Gracias!!

Patti Schwartz