Today’s Consuming Fire Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s Scriptures
Tuesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time
Prepare for Trials
At some moments, the Lord’s wonderful brilliance lights up my soul and I see things clearly. When these short moments pass, I return to my painful state. (Elizabeth) (January 20, 1963)
Today’s Readings: My son, when you come to serve the LORD, stand in justice and fear, prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere of heart and steadfast, incline your ear and receive the word of understanding, undisturbed in time of adversity. (Sirach 2)
Prayer Meditation- O Lord You have told us that to follow You in this life means that we will have trials and tribulations. Lord You have asked us to be steadfast and incline our ear toward Your Word at all times that we may be undisturbed in time of adversity. O Lord trials and times of darkness can be painful but You are always with us and You never leave us- Your wonderful brilliance is always shining on our souls. Lord You have promised that in this life we will have troubles but to take heart because You have overcome the world (John 16:33) and so we keep our eyes fixed on You, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) and keep our ears tuned to Your Word!