January 7th, our beloved Patti Schwartz traveled over three hours to Ave Maria, Florida to give a presentation on the Flame of Love.

Around 60 people attended of which 50% were from ages 7-14. Patti did not expect so many young and beautiful children, so she had to make last minute changes. Of course, all driven by the Holy Spirit.
And, they loved her! The organizer mentioned that everyone asked for her to come back and speak to them again.

A Beautiful day to live the Flame of Love and to begin by sharing the Flame of Love grace with our little ones.
Mission accomplished through your prayers! Thank you…

Let’s continue praying and ask our dear Lord to use all of us to bring the Flame of Love to our families and friends, and to everyone we meet!
Praises to the Father, Son & Holy Spirit! Praise to our Holy Mother Mary! Praise to St. Joseph! Praises to the angels and the saints!