In this month of the Seven Sorrows it is fitting that we focus on a reoccurring message to Elizabeth Kindelmann from Jesus and Mary, which is to make REPARATION.
In the Spiritual Diary we read that Jesus tells Elizabeth, “To save families, throw yourself into the furnace of suffering. Oh, how much sinning is done against Me by destroyed families! Make reparation and suffer for them. Do not lose the least opportunity.” pg 97
During the Month of the Seven Sorrows we also consider that the Blessed Mother identified Herself in the Diary as “The Mother of Sorrows” on a few occasions. “I am the Mother of Sorrows, I suffer greatly because of the souls being lost. I am tortured in pain as I grieve for the suffering of my Divine Son. Never despise any tiredness, be my eternal companion helping me bear my sufferings. This is what I ask of you.”
AND… the very first communication from Our Lady to Elizabeth occurred on April 13th, 1962, The Friday of Sorrows, a solemn pious remembrance of the sorrowful Blessed Virgin Mary on the Friday before Palm Sunday.
In September, the Month of the Seven Sorrows, Catholics especially meditate on particular events in the life of Mary that caused excessive sorrow in her Immaculate Heart, sorrows in which she was especially united to Jesus. The feast of the Seven Sorrows is September 15th.

In the pure and Holy wisdom of Mother Church we see the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14th, the day before. Perfectly fitting and as always, Mary is closely united with her Son.
Venerable Sister Lucia, a Carmelite and Fatima Visionary, explains how at Calvary “she suffered and agonized with him, receiving into her Immaculate Heart the last sufferings of Christ, his last words, his last agony and the last drops of his Blood, in order to offer them to the Father.”
Lucia adds as her own interpretation of this vision of Our Lady of Sorrows, God wishes “to show us the value of suffering, sacrifice and immolation for the sake of love. In the world of today hardly anyone wants to hear these truths, such is the extent to which people are living in search of pleasure, of empty worldly happiness, and exaggerated comfort. But the more one flees from suffering, the more we find ourselves immersed in a sea of afflictions, disappointments and suffering.”
The Flame of Love Movement offers us the graces we desperately need to join Jesus and Mary in their thirst for souls. On our own, we can’t possibly enter into the sacrificial life of Jesus and Mary, but with GRACE, we become transformed and participate in the saving of souls, through our own crosses.
Mary offered ALL for the reparation of souls. Jesus offered ALL for the reparation of souls. WE TOO can offer all for the reparation of souls!
In the Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann, Jesus says;
“The excessive love of My Heart makes Me consider you worthy of sufferings. This is the only way you can save many souls. You are a mother of a family and you are aware of the several forms of family disintegration. To save families, throw yourself into the furnace of suffering. Oh, how much sinning is done against Me by destroyed families! Make reparation and suffer for them. Do not lose the least opportunity. May our thoughts be in unison. Consider clearly the value of your sufferings. The number of those reaping with Me is so small. Do you know why? Because there are no souls willing to bear sufferings, especially those who would do it steadily. Without it, they cannot merit that I shower My graces on them continuously.”
As Christians, we understand that true love costs us something. Love is sacrificial. When we unite our sufferings and prayers, we blind satan and save souls. This month we are especially encouraging everyone to join together in Cenacles of Reparation. These cenacles are not only about prayer, they teach us how to suffer well TOGETHER for love of souls, especially our family members. Everyone is suffering! It’s the only way to Heaven! But as Sr. Lucia shares when we flee from it, it follows us and takes the shape of disordered afflictions.
I hope you will join us in praying in a Flame of Love Cenacle of Reparation. It can be a home cenacle, a parish cenacle, a virtual cenacle whatever you can do! Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and read more about cenacles HERE.
PRAY WITH US in the NATIONAL CENACLE for yourself and for you family.
In Mary’s Heart,
Jill Metz
US National Director