Prayer – O Lord, do not allow my material possessions to ruin my faith.
Imagination – (Picture Jesus with His disciples.)
A person asked Jesus to gain him his rightful inheritance. Jesus refuses to accept this task. Jesus wants people to avoid greed. Owning property is irrelevant in the new Age. This parable explains why Jesus sees earthly wealth as unimportant.
Because of his gigantic harvest, the farmer need not fear if future years bring bad crops. His security makes him into a fool (in the biblical sense). He does not need God and does not realize God’s impending judgment.
Gospel Text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)
Jesus said to the crowd, “Avoid greed in all its forms. A man may be wealthy but his possessions do not guarantee him life.” He told them a parable:
“A rich man had land which produced a gigantic harvest. He thought within himself, “What shall I do? I have no room for this harvest. This is what I will do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones. I will store all my grain and all my goods. I will say to myself, I have enough grain for many years to come. I will eat, drink and make merry.”
But God said to him, “You fool. This night your soul is required of you. Who will inherit all that you have stored up?”
Thus it will be for one who stores up treasures for himself but is not rich in what matters to God.
Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)
1. Greed tries to guarantee an abundant future.
2. Jesus’ future goal is heavenly life, not earthly abundance.
3. The great harvest gets the farmer thinking.
4. His riches make him into a “biblical fool”, blinding him to spiritual realities.
5. The barns filled with grain make him forgot God’s coming judgment.
6. His vision is false. His soul will be judged this very night.
7. Jesus warns that nothing can put off the judgment.
Affections: (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)
1. Jesus, help me to avoid greed.
2. I entrust my future into your hands.
3. Your judgments are inevitable, Jesus. Nothing can postpone them.
4. Give me a repentant heart. In this way, I am prepared.
5. Remove all my foolish reasoning. Destroy all my illusions.
6. Come close to me, O Lord. You alone are my security.
7. Soon, so very soon, the whole cosmos will fold up. History will be over. In that moment, I will be with you.
Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own)
1. I will live today as if I will come before God this night.
2. I will honestly face my own “foolishness”, my pushing God to the background.