“ How many souls have you been releasing through your prayers? Are you keeping track with the “ Reparation Calendar “ this month? This Reparation Calendar is a tool for the whole family!

In Our Cenacles, the “ The Reparation Calendar “ has been a powerful channel of Grace. Our Catholic Faith is enriched with many rituals that accompany our Liturgical celebrations . In our cenacles, we have developed a ritual that has added a feeling of the sacredness and an awareness of The Divine presence when we all pray for the release of souls from purgatory.
First, we all compute the total of souls that were released from purgatory thanks to our prayers at that hour. Second, we praise God for His great gift of prayer and then somebody in the group reads the meditation for the day and then we allow a few minutes for discussion of today’s meditation.
Today marks the first complete week of our calendar; so far we have released 56,150. Souls from purgatory , this number does not include the 3 remaining cenacles left to celebrate today!!
Aleluya!! Glory to God in The Highest!!
Patti Schwartz- National Hispanic Director