of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
No Condemnation In Him

No Condemnation In Him

Today’s Consuming Fire
Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s

Saturday of the Twenty Ninth Week of Ordinary Time

No Condemnation in Him

little one, I want that not one soul be damned. You should want this together
with me. For this purpose, I place in your hands a beam of light that is the
Flame of Love of my heart.” (Mary ) (January 14, 1964 )

Readings: Brothers and sisters:
Now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus
has freed you from the law of sin and death. (Romans

Prayer Meditation- Lord, sometimes we just don’t want to believe that there is no condemnation in You.  Because the world gives us plenty of opportunities to feel condemned and not good enough, to feel less than whatever ideal is presented to us. All we have to do is see all the self- help and diet books to understand how much we just want to feel better about ourselves. Some of us grew up with a false sense of religiosity, practical Jansenism where You are just waiting for us to mess up and are keeping a scorecard of all of our faults and sins. But that is not Your Heart for us! Lord, for us who believe in You and live in You there is no condemnation! Covered by Grace is a real thing! And we are so blessed in the Church because the Sacraments, Eucharist and Reconciliation, allow us to be touched and healed by You daily in every Catholic Church in the world! So let us be not afraid-  let us live a sacramental life and one of prayer and living in Your Word to know and understand that we are dearly beloved children of the Most- High God! There is no condemnation in those who love You Lord with trust and abandonment to Your Divine Will!
