“Precious Blood, ocean of divine mercy: Flow upon us! Precious Blood, most pure offering: Procure us every grace! Precious Blood, hope and refuge of sinners: Atone for us! Precious Blood, delight of holy souls: Draw us!” – St. Catherine of Siena

Pope Pius X instituted the Feast of Precious Blood to be celebrated on July 1st. Each day of July, we reflected on Jesus’s sacrifice and suffering for the world’s redemption. As blood and water gushed forth from the pierced side of Jesus, the Church is born with our Blessed Mother, Saint John and Mary Magdalen as the first disciples. His divine mercy overcomes evil by washing away Original Sin. In the reception of Holy Communion, we receive the presence, power and peace of Jesus.
Elizabeth Kindelmann rejoiced when Jesus came to her in the most stressful moments of her life. “How good of You to come! Truly, you do not despise me. Because I am a sinner, You double your strength in me. What goodness, what limitless compassion You have for a repentant sinner.” While in adoration, Jesus assured her of his presence and our Blessed Mother: “In the great sufferings that I will pour out on you now, the Flame of Love of Our Mother will give you strength. She is the one who forces Me not to deprive you with the feeling of my presence.”

In Jesus, there is no condemnation. We are redeemed, forgiven, and chosen. Saint Peter proclaims, “We are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation.” Saint John Paul II believed that the Sacrament of Baptism is the greatest event of our life and the basis for all the other great events in our lives. However, many Christians are not aware of the “radical newness” of their baptismal life and the “immense, extraordinary richness and responsibility” of Baptism. Baptized into Jesus, we are in His death, burial, and Resurrection, and have the saving benefits of these events sharing our time, talents and resources with compassionate hearts.
True love is willing the good of the other. We spend our lives learning how to walk, talk, think, feel, work, pray, hear, see and love in Jesus. Jesus sets before us the one goal in life that is worth any sacrifice and that goal is union with God – uniting our heart, mind, and will with his heart and will for our lives. The reward of a life given over to God and obeying his voice is God himself – the source of true peace and joy that lasts forever.
Consider: Does the love of Jesus Christ compel you to put God first in all you do and motivate you share the Flame of Love heart-to-heart?
We praise God and thank Jill Metz for offering herself to serve as the chosen National Leader of the Flame of Love and share our gratitude for the leadership of Eileen Piergiovanni. Like our Blessed Mother, these beautiful women are role models for all of us to imitate. May their burning zeal to share the blessings of the Flame of Love Revelations of Elizabeth Kindelmann inspire us to do the same. Please pray the Unity Prayer for them and all our leaders to discipline our lives to bring many who are hungering for love, mercy, eternal peace and joy flowing from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.