of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Mindful Of You In All Of Our Ways

Mindful Of You In All Of Our Ways

Today’s Consuming Fire Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s Scriptures

First Sunday of Advent

Mindful of You In All Of Our Ways

Jesus: “You know, the great sin of the world is to ignore My inspirations. It is because of that and lukewarm consecrated souls that the world is walking in darkness. They could help Me, but they are not even aware how dangerous their tepidity is.(Jesus) (First Sunday of January 1964)

Today’s Readings: No ear has ever heard, no eye ever seen, any God but you
doing such deeds for those who wait for him.
Would that you might meet us doing right,
that we were mindful of you in our ways. (Isaiah 63)

Prayer Meditation- Lord, how we have ignored Your Inspirations. How we have turned from You and gone each of us in our own way (Isaiah 53), the way that for so long may have seemed right to us (Proverbs 14:12). And we see now in the darkness of this world that we are utterly helpless. Lord, would that even now, we would be mindful of You in all of our ways. Would that we were waiting right here and right now for deliverance from whatever is obstructing Grace and not allowing us to even hear Your inspirations. Because You are the God who saw us in our misery and came to Earth to redeem us not counting the cost and in an excess of love never before seen. And You still see us and walk with us in all of our pains and sorrows. So, let us open our hearts Lord! Empty them of whatever is burdening us in this long hard year that we would be ready to be filled by the Fountain of Your Holy Will which is Love and Mercy itself!