of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


Parishioners, names withheld, praise Jesus and thank our parish family for praying for the health of their twins who were born on June 25, 2022 weighing one pound each. They are healthy and happy bringing joy to their parents and big brother, name withheld.  With the birth of each precious child, God rekindles his faith, hope and love for all of us. God loves us so much that He became human, so that we can share his divine nature.  Because of her child-like trust in Jesus and Mary’s revelations, Elizabeth Kindelmann inspires our hearts to magnify God’s presence, power and peace for all people of good will.

In her spiritual journey, Elizabeth wrote, “He (Jesus) paused for a long time in front of our house and spoke of the virtues practiced by my children when they were small and of the merits of our family prayer.  Jesus appreciated our family consecration and devotion to the Sacred Heart. Suddenly, He said, “My Mother obliges me to bless your family, because with every longing of your heart, you desire to spread her Flame of Love.”

As the spouse of the Holy Spirit, Mary surrendered her body to give birth to our Infant Savior. Jesus reveals the Way and the Truth to Eternal Life and Love.  Our Blessed Mother teaches us how we too can magnify the Lord by obeying God’s will and plan for our lives. Mary and Mother Church offer us the Seven Sacraments to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, so that we can become Missionary Disciples of our Lord and Savior. Those who reject God and his Commandments end up destroying life and love because the devil blinds them.

Baptism overcomes pride and humbles us to be temples of the Holy Spirit.  Reconciliation transforms our anger to forgive our enemies.  Confirmation changes our lust to respect the dignity of each person.  Eucharist destroys our greed by receiving the Body and Blood of Christ, Soul and Divinity, so that we can generously sacrifice our lives for others.  Marriage enables us to be faithful, forgiving, forever to form families and friendships that deliver us from envy and loneliness.  Holy Orders reminds us that by sacrificing our gluttony for earthly pleasures, we are destined to find true sustenance at the Banquet of Eternal Life.  The Anointing of the Sick heals our sloth and guides to discern and decide each day, how we can offer out time and talents to be more like Jesus and Mary.

Saint John Paul II consecrated his life and priesthood to our Blessed Mother and magnified the presence, power and peace of Jesus through Mary.  While he suffered the death of his family, oppressed by Communism and wounded by an assassin, John Paul amazed us all with his deep faith, sacrificial love and merciful heart.  In praying, the Luminous Mysteries to the Rosary renew and rekindle the hope, healing and holiness that give meaning and purpose to our lives.

This New Year, the best gift you can offer your loved ones is the pure mind and merciful heart of Jesus.  Reconcile by confessing your sins and professing your faith by praying the Cenacle devotion daily.  Receive the Eucharist often to become Who you receive, so that you can magnify his divine love, peace of joy in the hearts of all you love and serve. 

Monsignor Ralph J. Chieffo