Today’s Consuming Fire
Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Leaning to Listen
Let each word be like a
seed planted so those listening produce an abundant harvest.” (Mary) (July 26,
Today’s Readings: When Samuel went to sleep in his place, the LORD came and revealed his presence, calling out as before, “Samuel, Samuel!” Samuel answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3)
Prayer Meditation- Lord, we say so many words, we will give an account some day for every careless word that we say (Matthew 12). But how much are we really listening to You? We may even say, the Lord does not speak to me, maybe the prophets or people in the Bible or very holy saintly people hear from God, but not me. But we know that is not true because You told us that Your sheep hear Your Voice! (John 10). Lord, please help us to really listen to You- to pick up the Gospels each day and put ourselves in the scene, what are You saying to me today? And as we meditate, we will be led to mental and silent prayer where we speak to You from the heart just like the Friend that You are. Help us listen in the silence of our hearts to what You want to say to us! Lord, help us to take what limited time we may have to open our hearts and minds to Your Word and Your Presence in our time of prayer and even in Adoration or at Mass if we can get there each day!