of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Prepare for Him a Manger in Our Hearts.

Prepare for Him a Manger in Our Hearts.

Jesus: “My light permeates you and surrounds you. Through Me, you enlighten in the obscure Advent these souls awaiting Me. The sacrifices of your life, united with My merits, will be light for them. I said, ‘You are the light of the world’ to those whom I filled with the special light of My grace. You and others must give light to the dark parts of the earth which are in the shadow of sin, such that My divine light attracts toward the true road those souls teetering in the shadow of sin and death.”

          Today, I meditated all day on the Lord’s words, and I thought especially of these: “The sacrifices of your life, united with My merits, will be light for them.”

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God is always trying to prepare us for Himself, not just during Advent, but from the moment we are created in our mother’s womb, God is preparing us for Heaven.

Advent is a time that we are able to enter into the deepest yearning for which we were created and prepare our souls for God, who came to us as The Adorable Jesus at Christmas, and will come again at His Second Coming.

The Adored King always seeks to find rest in the manger of our hearts but due to the daily demands of the world, temptations, and our general inclination to sin, we may think that Mary and Joseph will take one look at our “Manger” and quickly make their way to the inn next door! “ Why do you let us wander, O Lord, from Your ways, and harden our hearts so that we fear you not?” Often our hearts are hard, or anxious, or sad and can seem more like a cold, dark graveyard vs. a warm and safe resting place.

But we believe and are reminded in the passage from the Diary that it’s Jesus who brings the light! Outside of Him, we are and will always be in darkness, anxious, afraid. And we simply can’t give the Light that we ourselves have not yet received. The Light, the Flame, that we long to receive, embrace, and share is Jesus Christ!  “LORD, make us turn to You; let us see Your face and we shall be saved.”

This Light was first given to us through the Virginal Womb of Mary, and Jesus was totally dependent on Mary and Joseph. He is showing us the way, illuminating our path to holiness, so that we too may learn to become dependent.

Today, in this time and torrent of Grace, the Flame of Love is given to us through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The graces from the Flame of Love and the partaking of the Sacramental life, help us to detach from sin and become filled with the Fire of Divine Love to bring about a transformation which allows us to join deeply in the life of Christ so that we actually become “little Christs”, little sparks of Light, to blind satan.  

The season of Advent reflects perfectly the heart of a Christian that is open and empty, in other words a soul with a receptive heart. When we pray the Unity Prayer we are asking Jesus to make us one with Him, to fill our hearts, (our mangers) with HIS life so completely that we have no room left for sin.

I pray that the only thing that Jesus finds when He visits us this Christmas is a receptive heart filled by the straw of our sacrifices. The fruit of sacrifice and suffering is JOY! In accord we pray the Joyful Mysteries throughout the season.

“Be watchful! Be alert! ” always! And spread the Flame of Love which is a gift of pure grace for every soul! United, we will blind satan with the little sparks of His Divine Light and illuminate the path to Heaven for the many souls who are in the obscure Advent of waiting and wanting.

Elizabeth: Today, I meditated all day on the Lord’s words, and I thought especially of these: “The sacrifices of your life, united with My merits, will be light for them.”

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Mother Mary… pray for us!

Jill Metz

US National Director