Today’s Consuming Fire
Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s
of the Second Week of Easter
The Fragments
Jesus: “I am showing you this so you see how abundant the harvest is. You, My beloved; you, My great collaborator, may our hands gather in unity. Continue working for the salvation of souls. (Jesus) (Full Diary Page 192)
Readings: When they had had their fill, he said to his disciples,
“Gather the fragments left over,
so that nothing will be wasted.”
So they collected them,
and filled twelve wicker baskets with fragments
from the five barley loaves that had been more than they could eat. (John 6)
Prayer Meditation- Lord, You have asked us to gather souls with You in unity- souls that are away from Your Love. The harvest is abundant but the workers are few (Matthew 9). Lord, when you multiplied the loaves and fishes You wanted even the left over fragments gathered so that nothing would be wasted. No soul You have created is a left over fragment and all are precious to You! Lord, in this time of exile we need to redouble our prayer and fasting as You have shown us for the love of You and the salvation of souls!