of the Immaculate Heart of Mary




Come, Holy Spirit. Help me to believe that Jesus can cleanse me.


Picture Jesus cleansing the leper.


In these early stages of Jesus’ ministry, Mark wants to show his great power. There is no controversy surrounding the healing because Jesus has not made any enemies as yet.
Although the man disobeys Jesus’ orders, he is a perfect model for the newly converted person. After Baptism, everyone should tell the world about Jesus.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. The leper believes in Jesus. Having seen others healed, he is stirred to faith.
  2. Jesus shows deep human feelings. He has compassion on the leper’s condition.
  3. Jesus comes close. He touches the leper and makes himself ritually unclean.
  4. His power goes forth quickly. He uses just a simple word, “Be clean.”
  5. The leper cannot contain his joy. He tells everyone.
  6. Hearing the story, the crowds seek Jesus. They know the power of God is in their midst.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Jesus, I know you have power. I have read the gospel stories.I believe.
  • I ask with all my heart, “Please make me clean.”
  • Jesus, you always have compassion for me.
  • You come close. You touch me. You make me whole.
  • After you cleanse me, I will begin a new life.
  • Jesus, my tongue will not be silent. I will tell everyone. I will proclaim your mighty deeds.
  • By my words, others will believe in you and search for you.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ No matter what my illness (moral or physical) I will believe that Jesus can make me clean.
+ I will be God’s witness, telling others of Jesus’ compassion for them.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)