Eileen confessed, “In 2018, when I was appointed National Director, I was terrified!”
“In this life we cannot do great things, we can only do small things with great love.” – Saint Teresa of Calcutta
“Love One Another, Always Be Joyful, Be Faithful.” – Eileen Piergiovanni
Reflection about Eileen
“Your love must be sincere. Detest what is evil, cling to what is good. Love one another with the affection of brothers. Anticipate each other in showing respect. Do not grow slack but be fervent in spirit; he whom you serve is the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient under trial, persevere in prayer.”
Romans 12:9-12
To describe Eileen Piergiovanni should be a quote from the Diary, but this passage from Romans truly reflects how she has lived, worked and prayed with us. Her constant phrases have always been “Love,” “Joy,” and “Pray.”
Eileen loves to tell the story of how the Grace of Mary’s Flame of Love blessed the little group at her dining room table, and how she has seen it spread, heart-to-heart, to so many. But what may not have been evident were the many serious obstacles along the way – and how Eileen met each one with, first of all – prayer, and then – courage, determination, and above all – humility.
When the First National Director, Anthony Mullen died on March 10th of 2018, Eileen was tasked with rescuing the Diaries from the warehouse, paying the bills, guiding the Flame of Love members, forming structure in the US, and personally supporting anyone in need of a reassuring phone call of prayer. Eileen has given the last 11 years of her life to the Flame of Love because of her deep and tender love of the Blessed Mother. All she would want in return is your dedication to Our Lady, her Son, Jesus and your prayers.
“In the tender compassion of our God, may the Dawn from on high break upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.”
Canticle of Zechariah – Luke 1:78-79
Come, Mary, the Beautiful Ray of Dawn!
Eileen’s Biography
Eileen Piergiovanni was named the National Director of the Flame of Love US in March of 2018. Her short biography highlights moments when doors of blessings opened, hoping that many doors will open also for you.
The first door was in 1995 while she was listening to the rosary. Suddenly, she felt a great DESIRE to attend daily mass and consecrate herself to Jesus through Mary.
The next door was Medjugorje where Our Lady led her in 2010. On this pilgrimage she encountered Jesus through Mary and the DIVINE Love of God to seek God everywhere in everyone. A new door opened and Eileen entered formation to become a Lay Discalced Carmelite. Since then, Our Lady has called her to Medjugorje seven more times.
In 2011, she was invited to join a small group of Catholics studying the Devout Life. A member was Tony Mullen, a nationally known Catholic, whose passion was to help people grow closer to the Lord through the Blessed Mother. He appeared on EWTN. Tony, himself, was soon to find a new door opening.
In 2012, Tony Mullen was asked to become National Director for the Flame of Love and he asked Eileen to help him as Director for Philadelphia.

First National Director
Dec 4, 1956 – Mar 10, 2018
Eileen continues with her story…

Apr 15, 1953 – Aug 25, 2021
In 2013, Tony asked me to join him as Philadelphia Director of the Flame of Love. After prayer and discernment with my priest, I knew it was our Lady calling. In the beginning it was just me and my friend, Cathy Kempf – God gave us each other. All we had was the Diary, great Joy, and a great Desire to help our Lady. We did not know anyone else who knew about the Flame of Love.
Financially helping the Canadian Office with Flame of Love books, Tony realized the need for a good, readable translation. Fortunately, he knew an excellent translator who also simplified the Diary. The Flame of Love had the Full Diary and a much smaller version. With the printing, another door had opened. The little group assumed the ministry of distributing this Simplified Version to every parish in the Philadelphia Archdiocese and also sponsored Saturday conferences at centrally located parishes to explain the Diary. The little group, under the leadership of Tony Mullen, soon had a gigantic mission. Yet the greatest door was still to open.
Soon, there were four of us running to my home every Monday to share in the light and warmth of God’s Flame of Love. A few weeks later, more people came running – not walking – running to be together in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. In 2015, we moved to an empty convent and chapel at St. Philomena and more people came running to be together on Mondays. Every Monday since then, to this very day, people continue to RUN to this gathering.
When we are in Adoration together, we are joined by the Trinity and by all the angels and saints. This is the Truth! Why does everyone run to this meeting each Monday?
It is Divine Love, the Flame of Love, JOY. It is Heaven on Earth! It is a gift from God! It is a Miracle – Every Monday is always a Spiritual Experience of Astounding Joy and Love. Every Monday – Every Monday, God SHUTS us into the Ark!
We Desire to do as Jesus and Mary request per in the Diary. That chapel and that meeting room have always been filled with love. We have a few sayings, “All that Jesus asks is that we love one another” (That was so easy – we breathed love). Also, “When does Jesus want this task done?” Answer, “Yesterday.”
At our annual Flame of Love Conference, all the people who came asked one thing, “How is it that all of you love one another?” It was true – it’s what we did every Monday.
Tony was a devoted National Director. He traveled to every diocese that asked him to talk about the Flame of Love. Twice, he appeared all week, prime-time on EWTN.
In 2018, came our great sorrow. Tony died of a heart attack. Tony called Philadelphia “The Heart of the Flame of Love Movement” and he had literally given his heart. Tony often quoted the Diary, “If each Christian just saved one soul, no one would be lost.”
After Tony’s death, Msgr. Ralph Chieffo called a meeting of the U.S. leaders to gather, in Adoration, to appoint a new National Director. With his blessing, in front of the Holy Eucharist, knowing that I could not do what was being asked, I gave my Fiat with these words to the leaders and to Jesus and Mary: “We will do this together, for our Lady, heart-to-heart. The fruit of the Flame of Love Movement abounds because we, her apostles, put Our Lady first and let her lead us. Then, with Desire to encounter Jesus, each apostle gives their Fiat and the Flame spreads heart-to-heart, with JOY!
In 2018, when I was appointed National Director, I was terrified! But, the words of a very holy priest gave me the courage to continue. He taught me to call on the Holy Spirit and to sing, “Come Holy Ghost” often. He taught me the simple way of Mother Teresa and the Little Way of St. Therese, the Little Flower. “In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love” – Saint Mother Teresa (of Calcutta). I wrote down his instructions:
Love One Another. Stand your post - God will help you. Be Faithful to your cenacle - especially the Monday cenacle and meeting. Always be Joyful. Pray constantly in your heart. Discern (with your Spiritual Advisor). Invite Others.

National Hispanic Director, 2019
Knowing I lacked Tony’s skills, I established a US Flame of Love Advisory Panel of Regional Coordinators, giving each leader a large segment of the country. We began our work by making a 33-Day Consecration to Jesus through Mary. But the greatest need was for a bilingual Hispanic Director. After prayer and discernment and with the approval of Msgr. Chieffo, Our Lady sent the perfect apostle to lead. I knew she was our Lady’s choice and Patti Schwartz was appointed as National Hispanic Director at the National Conference in 2019.
When I asked her to consider this she gave her Fiat: “Anything for our Lady.” Patti mirrors our Lady’s humility, joy, and love. The fruit has been abundant. Patti is a national speaker (both English and Spanish) with two Radio Maria Shows, and facilitates multiple, daily cenacles – and much more. Her work with little children sets families on fire and helps build family sanctuaries around the country.
From the very beginning, we were blessed to have Monsignor Ralph J. Chieffo as our National Spiritual Advisor. His great love for our Lady is a gift. Remarkably, he is always available to give his spiritual guidance.

US Spiritual Advisor
From the small beginnings in Philadelphia, “The Heart of the Flame of Love Movement,” Our Lady’s Flame has spread. From these few early pioneers to all the devoted leaders we have today, the Flame of Love Movement has been spread by giving everything to Our Lady.
With God’s help, I fulfilled my role as National Director as of July 30th, 2023.
May God open many doors for you!
Eileen documented the History of how the Flame of Love spread in the United States in a Seven-Part Series of Interviews with Radio Maria Host, Dr. Antone Raymundo, also a Lay Discalced Carmelite. To watch the interviews, click HERE.