of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Days of Elijah- Like A Fire

Days of Elijah- Like A Fire

Today’s Consuming Fire
Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s

Saturday Of The Second Week Of Advent

Days of Elijah-Like A Fire

Jesus: “Are you confident you can fulfill the destiny for which we have chosen you? I am asking you again: Do you accept the many humiliations and sufferings that accompany the task of asserting our Holy Cause? Do you know that the sufferings you have received so far only served to prepare you to achieve the goal that we set for you? You are an instrument in our hands. Do you want to continue being an instrument? Do you want to climb with Me the Mount of Calvary, the Golgotha? If so, your place is beside the Mother of Sorrows. The Flame of Love of her heart that she wishes to enkindle on earth through you demands a total commitment on your part. Do not answer right now, meditate and prepare yourself to the answer concerning the great Cause.” (Jesus) (March 24, 1963)

Today’s Readings: In those days,
    like a fire there appeared the
prophet Elijah
        whose words
were as a flaming furnace.
    Their staff of bread he
        in his zeal
he reduced them to straits;
    By the Lord’s word he shut up
the heavens
        and three
times brought down fire.
    How awesome are you, Elijah, in
your wondrous deeds!
        Whose glory
is equal to yours?
    You were taken aloft in a
whirlwind of fire,
        in a chariot
with fiery horses.
    You were destined, it is
written, in time to come
        to put an
end to wrath before the day of the LORD,
    To turn back the hearts of
fathers toward their sons,
        and to
re-establish the tribes of Jacob.
    Blessed is he who shall have
seen you 
        and who
falls asleep in your friendship. (Sirach 48)

Prayer Mediation- O Lord we thank You, and bless You, and glorify You for these readings about Elijah. The first Elijah who came like fire for the conversion of Israel and John the Baptist in the Gospel, the Elijah who was to come (Malachi 4:5-6) to turn the hearts of fathers towards their sons. The precursor of the Messiah! And here we are today, preparing ourselves this Advent so that You would reign in all the Earth and for Your Kingdom to come! Our place is besides the Mother of Sorrows, as She enkindles Her Flame of Love. And you are asking for total commitment on our part in these days and these times so that we would be instruments to in this great Cause! Fiat Lord! Maranatha!

flame from woods