of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Category: <span>National Blog</span>

Category: National Blog


2025 Global Theme is Announced

International Director Announces 2025 Theme…

As I write, most of you will have passed into 2025. Here in New York, we are still keeping vigil for the great Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God – an utterly astounding title. Yes, I never cease to be astounded by the first chapter of both the Gospel of Saint John and his first letter. The depth of love, of condescension, of humility is incomprehensible.

This love is so poignantly portrayed in Saint Paul’s words to Timothy when he tells is that God “desires all men to be saved.” (I Timothy 2:4) Yet we know that, like the Pharisees in Luke 7:30, man in his freedom can frustrate the plan of God since, for love to be perfect, it must be free.

And this same poignant and powerful proclamation of love is echoed in the heart and cry of our Blessed Mother in the first words she speaks when she gives the Flame of Love of her Immaculate Heart for the first time on April 13, 1962 and which provides our theme for this new year: “There is so much sin in the country. Help me to save it!” Yes, “HELP ME SAVE THE COUNTRY!”

I hear this cry in my ears every morning when I awaken. Each night, I need to answer Jesus: “Take part in My redeeming work without ceasing. Don’t ask how. Desire that My Kingdom come for you and for every soul. When you go to retire for the night, look over your entire day: What have you done for the coming of My Kingdom?” April 20, 1962

My dearest brothers and sisters, we are compelled by this same love (II Cor 5:14). What a sublime calling! I feel very strongly and I know that Győző feels the same, that the most important thing we can do right now to answer our Blessed Mother’s call to “Help me save the country” is to ensure all of our people, all of our cenacles, understand the scope and the purpose of the Flame of Love – “Help me save the COUNTRY”.

If our people believe that the goal is to create prayer groups for a new prayer devotion or that the goal is to enhance our own spirituality, that is exactly what we will do and we will have a rapidly growing, spiritually powerful prayer devotion. That’s not “Help me save the country”. Please don’t misunderstand me. Our prayer cenacles are important and powerful. Our family cenacles are even more important but they are the matches and not the fire. They are the tools and not the goal. If we only focus on the tool, we will not achieve the goal.

Not everyone in the world will join a Flame of Love cenacle nor every person in the Church – there are many other jobs to be done in the Church besides participating in a Flame of Love cenacle. But everyone in the Church and in the world needs The Flame of Love! “You must strive for the blinding of Satan, which we will accomplish with the coordinated strength of the whole world.” November 27, 1963

When we all start pulling together in the same direction – through prayer, sacrifice, desire, and, where we can, labor for the Flame of Love to light in all hearts, (“So line up side by side, because the flame burning by hellish hatred will break on the power of sacrifice and prayer. The evil ones will be driven back more and more, their flame burning by hatred will go out, and the light of my Flame of Love will fill every part of the world.” December 6, 1964), then we can help our Blessed Mother “light in the entire country the flame full of grace, which I have given you from my Heart. This will be the miracle which catches fire and will blind Satan.” April 13, 1962.

So please help every one of our people in each one of your countries understand and work toward the goal – not just to pray, sacrifice, and desire that people join our prayer cenacles but to pray, sacrifice, and desire that the Flame of Love light in all hearts in our countries. With all our being, let us answer our Blessed Mother’s cry: “HELP ME SAVE THE COUNTRY!” That is our theme for 2025.

In case you find it helpful, I have posted the above portion of this email to https://www.flameoflove.info/posts/help-me-save-the-country/

John Sullivan

International Director

Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Merry Christmas 2024

The Blessed Virgin revealed that the light of her Flame of Love filled not only me, but all my family members, and the Evil One could not lead them into sin. That is why their souls are strengthened and prepared to receive even more graces.

The Lord spoke in the morning.

“I was here during the night and I blessed every member of your family because of the prayer of our dear Mother. She is the one who fills your whole family with the effect of grace of her Flame of Love. How much we love you, My little one!”

From the Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann

February 1963

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Together, let us spread the Flame of Love of Love into our homes and celebrations…

Heavenly Father,

As we gather in joy to celebrate the birth of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we are filled with gratitude for the gift of salvation and the warmth of Your infinite love. Through the Flame of Love, which radiates from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, You guide us toward holiness and invite us to reflect Your divine light to the world.

Lord Jesus, on this holy night, we contemplate the humility of Your birth in Bethlehem, a testament to Your boundless love for humanity. We ask that the Flame of Love ignite our hearts, so we may bring light to the darkness, hope to the hopeless, and peace to the troubled. Let Your love transform us into beacons of faith and compassion.

Blessed Mother Mary, We honor your virtues, which inspire us to live in closer union with God:

Your humility, which opened your heart to the Incarnation.

Your obedience, which allowed God’s plan to unfold perfectly.

Your faith, which endured even in sorrow.

Your charity, which reached out in love to serve others.

Your purity, which radiated the light of divine grace.

Your patience, which trusted fully in God’s promises.

As you brought Christ into the world, bring the Flame of Love into our lives. Spread its grace over our families and the world, healing divisions and uniting us in holiness.

Through the Unity Prayer, we seek to walk with You, Lord, as we pray…

“May our feet journey together,
May our hands gather in unity,
May our hearts beat in unison,
May our souls be in harmony,
May our thoughts be as one,
May our ears listen to the silence together,
May our glances profoundly penetrate each other,
And may our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father.”

Lord, through Mary’s intercession,
May the Flame of Love blind Satan from our families and nation, free souls from purgatory, and bring about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and Sacred Heart of Jesus. Grant us the grace to live each day in the spirit of Christmas, spreading Your Flame, and trusting as Mary trusted.


Igniting the NEW YEAR in the Flame of Love

Print the prayers or follow along below.


On the vigil of the New Year, we join our hearts and prayers to all those throughout salvation history who have kept vigil looking forward to the Day of the Lord. We ask the Lord to prepare us to receive the many rich graces of the New Year with souls inflamed by Mary’s Flame. Let us welcome the New Year in a spirit of praise, for praise is that form of prayer which recognizes that God is God. Praise lauds God for his own sake and glorifies him simply because HE IS. This posture of praise is the most apt way to greet our Incarnate Savior.

Let us ask for the grace of purity.

In thanksgiving for the graces received from Our Lady of The Flame of Love, and in light of the days ahead, we come together again beseeching Our Mother for her intercession to spread her Flame for God’s Mercy to reign in our hearts, our families, our Church, our world. That all souls may reach the pinnacle of their assigned mission on earth or souls in Purgatory to obtain the benefit of their final heavenly destination. 

We pray together that all the bishops, cardinals, seminarians, and spiritual leaders would be one with the movement of the Holy Spirit, and thirst for You Lord; that we would stress in these times the works of charity looking onto our brethren who are in need of sustenance in life as well as the spiritual food that is also needed in the souls in darkness and in fear and living in godlessness. 

Utilizing the prayers of all the souls who have gained the victory of Heaven, let us ask that their concerted prayers on our behalf will reap an outpouring of graces. 

We pray Ephesians 3:14-21 over all of us, our families and the whole world: For this reason, I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, ma have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen


O my Love, my only Good, Most Holy Trinity, I adore You, hidden in the depths of my soul. To You, to Your honor and glory, I dedicate my life. May every thought, word and deed of mine be an act of adoration and praise directed towards Your Divine Majesty enthroned in my heart.
O Father, Infinite Goodness, behold Your child, clothed in the likeness of Your Son. Extend to me Your arms that I may belong to You forever.
O Son, Divine Lord, made man, crucify me with Yourself that I may become, in union with You, a sacrifice of praise for the glory of Your Father.
O Holy Spirit, Fire of Everlasting Love, consume me on the altar of Divine Charity, that at the end of life, nothing may remain but that which bears the likeness of Christ.

O Blessed Trinity, worthy of all adoration, I wish to remain in spirit on my knees, to acknowledge forever Your reign in me and over me, to Your everlasting glory.
Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the pure heart of St. Joseph, I consecrate my life to Your adoration and glory.
At the moment of death, receive me, O my Triune Love, that I may continue my adoration of love through all eternity. Amen.


O Immaculate Mother, Queen of our Country open our hearts, our homes, and our Land to the coming of Jesus, your Divine Son. With Him, reign over us, O heavenly Lady, so pure and so bright with the radiance of God’s light shining in and about you. Be our Leader against the powers of evil set upon wresting the world of souls, redeemed at such a great cost by the sufferings of your Son and of yourself, in union with Him, from that same Savior, Who loves us with infinite charity. We gather about you, O chaste and holy Mother, Virgin Immaculate, Patroness of our beloved Land, determined to fight under your banner of holy purity against the wickedness that would make all the world an abyss of evil, without God and without your loving maternal care. We consecrate our hearts, our homes, our Land to your Most Pure Heart, O great Queen, that the kingdom of your Son, our Redeemer and our God, may be firmly established in us. We ask no special sign of you, sweet Mother, for we believe in your great love for us, and we place in you our entire confidence. We promise to honor you by faith, love, and the purity of our lives according to your desire. Reign over us, then, O Virgin Immaculate, with your Son Jesus Christ. May His Divine Heart and your most chaste Heart be ever enthroned and glorified among us. Use us, your children of America, as your instruments in bringing peace among men and nations. Work your miracles of grace in us, so that we may be a glory to the Blessed Trinity, Who created, redeemed, and sanctifies us. May your valiant Spouse, St. Joseph, with the holy Angels and Saints, assist you and us in “renewing the face of the earth.” Then when our work is over, come, Holy Immaculate Mother, and as our Victorious Queen, lead us to the eternal kingdom, where your Son reigns forever as King. Amen.

O Dearest St. Joseph,
I consecrate myself to your honor and give myself to you, that you may always be my father, my protector, and my guide in the way of salvation. Obtain for me a greater purity of heart and fervent love of the interior life. After your example, may I do all my actions for the greater glory of
God, in union with the Divine Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. O Blessed St. Joseph, pray for me, that I may share in the peace and joy of your holy death.

Te Deum: 

You are God: we praise you;
You are God: we acclaim you;
You are the eternal Father:
All creation worships you.
To you all angels, all the powers of heaven,
Cherubim and Seraphim, sing in endless praise:
Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God of power and might,
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
The glorious company of apostles praise you.
The noble fellowship of prophets praise you.
The white-robed army of martyrs praise you.
Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you:
Father, of majesty unbounded,
Your true and only Son, worthy of all worship,
And the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide.
You, Christ, are the king of glory,
The eternal Son of the Father.
When you became man to set us free
You did not spurn the Virgin’s womb.
You overcame the sting of death,
And opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers.
You are seated at God’s right hand in glory.
We believe that you will come, and be our judge.
Come then, Lord, and help your people,
Bought with the price of your own blood,
And bring us with your saints
To glory everlasting.
Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance.
Govern and uphold them now and always.
Day by day we bless you.
We praise your name forever.
Keep us today, Lord, from all sin.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
Lord, show us your love and mercy;
For we put our trust in you.
In you, Lord, is our hope:
And we shall never hope in vain

We offer ourselves to the Heavenly Father through all the wounds of our Savior, Jesus Christ: 

We kiss the wound of your Sacred Left Hand, with sorrow deep and true. †

We kiss the wound of your Sacred Right Hand, with sorrow deep and true. †

We kiss the wound of your Sacred Left Foot, with sorrow deep and true. † 

We kiss the wound of your Sacred Right Foot, with sorrow deep and true. † 

We kiss the wound of your Sacred Side, with sorrow deep and true. †

Joyful Mysteries  ►The Annunciation 

Grant us, Mary, by the graces of this mystery, a listening heart that responds to the call of the Lord with a loving yes joined to yours. Mary “I place in your hands a ray of Light. It is the Flame of Love of My Immaculate Heart! I am your caring Mother who loves you, and united with you hand in hand I shall save you.

► The Visitation 

Open our hearts, Mary, to give joyfully and without counting and in a gratuitousness of love, as you did at the Visitation. Mary “There is so much sinning in the world! Help Me save souls! I place in your hands a ray of light: the Flame of Love of My Immaculate Heart. Ignite your own heart with it and pass it on to others, at least to one more soul!”

► The Birth of Jesus 

Mary, tenderness of the poor, make us discover the true wealth of the Kingdom, You who lived them at the birth of Jesus. Mary “This Flame of graces springing from My Immaculate Heart has to go from heart to heart. This will be the great miracle whose light will blind Satan.”

► The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

Grant us, Mary, that we may recognize the Light of God in our lives, as Simeon did recognize it at the Presentation of Jesus. Mary “I will spread the flow of graces from My Flame of love over all peoples and nations. Not just those belonging to the Catholic Church but over all those marked with the sign of the Cross of My Divine Son.”

► Jesus is found in the Temple 

Mary, who have welcomed in faith the mystery of the mission of your Son in the Temple, make us obedient to God’s plan. Mary “I can no longer suppress My Flame of Love within Me, let it flow toward you! Those who grant shelter to My Flame of Love will be empowered by an infusion of graces, and will proclaim to the whole world that such an outpouring of graces has never been seen since the Word became Flesh … “

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy Mercy. Come Holy Spirit! Come by means of the power of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.                                                                   

    3 X St Joseph …pray for us                           [Sing ‘Ave Maria’] 

The Unity Prayer…

Lord Jesus, free us from all worry and anxiety. Refashion our hearts and our minds in your own divine image so that we may love the Father’s will as you love it. Make us perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect, so that we will live only for you

Luminous Mysteries 

► The Baptism in the Jordan 

O Mary, who kept everything in your Heart, make us attentive to God’s presence and grateful for the privileged grace of our baptism. Jesus “Let him who walks with Me look into My penetrating eyes and merge himself in them!” 

► The Wedding at Cana

O Mary, Virgin of Cana, ask Jesus to change our hearts so that we may live ever more in the great freedom of God’s children. Mary “The many graces that I give you, if you make good use of them – and you must always use them better and better, cause a great number of souls to become better.”

► The Proclamation of the Kingdom 

By your unceasing prayer, Mary, obtain for us to be authentic witnesses of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Jesus “Should you want to speak publicly or if you were asked to do so, I will then be there to comfort you. Each word should be like a seed which must bear many fruits among your listeners.” 

► The Transfiguration of Jesus

May our lives be transformed by the Holy Spirit, and may Your Flame of Love, Mary, warm our hearts of children. Jesus “The aim is to make known the value of the work of salvation! Ah! If only your aspirations for salvation could reach the Throne of the Heavenly Father! The success would then be greater! Burn! Like the bush in flames of fire that did not burn up! I need a sacrifice that does not consume itself and whose fire reaches Me!”

► The Institution of the Holy Eucharist

O Mary, Virgin of Contemplation, help us to increase our intimacy with Jesus in the Eucharist, the Bread of Life of every day. Jesus “Participation in the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass increases to the highest degree the blindness of Satan.”

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy Mercy. Come Holy Spirit! Come by means of the power of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.                                                                   

     3 X St Joseph …pray for us                       [Sing ‘Ave Maria’]

The Unity Prayer…

Lord Jesus, empty us of ourselves. Rid us of our willfulness, our sinfulness, our pride. May we never be seduced by the false ideas of the world. May your truth be our glory. Let our lives be governed by your holy peace. May we live hidden in you as once you were hidden in the womb of your Mother

Sorrowful Mysteries 

► The Agony in the Garden 

“My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by, nevertheless, let it be as you, not I, would have it.” With You, Mary, may it become our prayer in our trials. Jesus “My table is always set, without interruption. I, the Master, have sacrificed everything! My Self, I give you.”

► The Scourging at the Pillar

May our suffering, united to the scourging of Jesus, become a prayer of offering to the world, with You, Mary. Jesus “When receiving Holy Communion, look deeply into your soul and feel the effects My Precious Blood produces within you. Do not be insensitive to that! It is not by habit that you should come to My table, but rather propelled by a love that will be fueled as it touches Mine, and which through Me, and in union with you, will burn away the sins of your soul…” 

► The Crowning with Thorns  

May the thorns of our heart make the garden of our life blossom in faith with You, Mary. Jesus “Without faith and trust, no virtue can take roots in you. They are the foundation of this holy project for which we are preparing

► Jesus Carries the Cross 

May our daily cross be enlightened by the sorrowful Cross of Jesus, which has become glorious by His Resurrection. Jesus “We give you the strength and courage to take the first steps, but you should not delay accomplishing My will, or simply dismiss it with the back of your hand.”

► The Crucifixion 

May the loving words uttered by Jesus on the Cross become seeds of life, love and forgiveness in all the hearts. Jesus “If you do not come to Me, how then can I bestow My graces upon you? The fullness of graces is stored up in My Heart. My Heart is an unending source of love.”

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy Mercy. Come Holy Spirit! Come by means of the power of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.                                                                   

     3 X St Joseph …pray for us                                                             [Sing ‘Ave Maria’]

The Unity Prayer…

Lord Jesus, may this New Year be marked by our profound desire to be reconciled to you in every way. May we remain close to you through our faithfulness to the sacraments. Fill us with an authentic spirit of repentance. Free us from our resentments, our grudges, and our regrets. May Christlike forgiveness be the hallmark of our lives. May we witness to our faith by proclaiming the dignity of all human life in our every thought, word, and deed. May our experience of your mercy make us generous in our acts of justice for the afflicted of the world, so that all may live in the freedom of your kingdom.

Glorious Mysteries 

► The Resurrection of Jesus

Through the power of Your Resurrection, grant us Lord the taste of life, and reach out to those who have lost its meaning. Mary “When the consecrated and the laity observe absolute fasting on Monday, they deliver also many poor souls from Purgatory at each Holy Communion during that week at the time they receive the Holy Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” 

► The Ascension of Our Lord 

“Why are you standing here looking into the sky?” “Go out proclaim the Good News.” May we become, o Lord, authentic witnesses of Your Resurrection. Jesus “The Church is in great danger and you cannot remedy the situation with earthly means or efforts. The Most Holy Trinity and the Holy Virgin alone, the Angels and all the Saints, and with the assistance of all the souls delivered by you from Purgatory, are still able to provide for the needs of the Militant Church.” 

► The Descent of the Holy Spirit

Send forth Your Spirit, Lord, and give us the audacity of Your true disciples. Jesus “I could compare this torrential flood to the first Pentecost. It will submerge the earth by the power of the Holy Spirit. All mankind will take heed at the time of this great miracle. Here comes the torrential flow of the Flame of Love of My Most Holy Mother. The world, darkened already by the lack of faith, will undergo formidable tremors and then people will believe!”

► The Assumption of Mary into Heaven 

“I am the Resurrection and the Life.” May these words, Mary, maintain us in the hope and the certainty of an eternal tomorrow. Mary “Only through speech can My Flame of Love become known. I am standing with sadness in My Heart by the side of the world. You have no right to remain silent, neither by cowardice nor pride, neither by negligence nor fear of sacrifice. The words you speak about Me must be impregnated with all the fervour of your soul so that mankind can be touched by the mystery of Heaven.”

► The Coronation of Mary in Heaven 

O Mary, crowned in glory, kindle us continually by the Flame of Love of Your Immaculate Heart. Mary “I grant to all of you the grace to be able to see the success of your effort – with regard to the diffusion of My Flame of Love – as well as in each heart taken individually, as well as in your country and the whole world. You who toil and make sacrifices, you will see that My Flame of Love will submerge very soon the whole humanity.” 

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy Mercy. Come Holy Spirit! Come by means of the power of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.                                                                   

     3 X St Joseph …pray for us                                                             [Sing ‘Ave Maria’]

The Unity Prayer…

Hail Holy Queen – Let Us Pray (O God,)

My Adorable Jesus, We ask you to take us in spirit before your Eucharistic Presence throughout the world. (pause for silent reflection)

Blessed Lady, Take us and place us where we belong in the Divine Fire. Share with us your Immaculate Conception. (pausefor silent reflection)

Prayer to Saint Joseph:

Oh, Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, Saint Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, so that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most Loving of Fathers. Oh, Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss his fine head for me and ask him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. Saint Joseph, Patron of departed souls, pray for me. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Plenary Indulgence- Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be – also requires interior disposition of detachment from all sin, reception of Holy Eucharist, and Confession within 20 days)

Prayer for the Propagation of the Flame of Love

Blessed Virgin Mary, our cherished heavenly Mother, you love God and us, your children, so much that you offer us to your Divine Son Jesus on the Cross, to forgive us by our Heavenly Father and to obtain our salvation, so that all those who believe in Him do not perish but obtain Eternal Life.

With a filial confidence, we pray to you, Virgin Mary, that with the Flame of Love of your Immaculate Heart, kindled by the Holy Spirit, you ignite in our languid hearts the fire of a perfect love for God and all humanity, so that together with you, with one heart, we love God and our neighbor.

Help us to transmit this holy Flame to all people of goodwill, so that the Flame of Love extinguishes the fire of hatred everywhere on earth and that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, be the King and the center of all hearts in the Sacrament of His Love on the Throne of our altars. Amen.

Litany if the Blessed Virgin Mary 

We offer ourselves to the Heavenly Father through all the wounds of our Savior, Jesus Christ: 

We kiss the wound of your Sacred Left Hand, with sorrow deep and true. †

We kiss the wound of your Sacred Right Hand, with sorrow deep and true. †

We kiss the wound of your Sacred Left Foot, with sorrow deep and true. † 

We kiss the wound of your Sacred Right Foot, with sorrow deep and true. † 

We kiss the wound of your Sacred Side, with sorrow deep and true. †

 After 12:00:

Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest (Veni, Creator Spiritus)

 Come, Holy Spirit, Creator blest,

and in our souls take up Thy rest;
come with Thy grace and heavenly aid
to fill the hearts which Thou hast made. 
O comforter, to Thee we cry,
O heavenly gift of God Most High,
O fount of life and fire of love,
and sweet anointing from above. 

Thou in Thy sevenfold gifts are known;
Thou, finger of God’s hand we own;
Thou, promise of the Father, Thou
Who dost the tongue with power imbue. 

Kindle our sense from above,
and make our hearts o’erflow with love;
with patience firm and virtue high
the weakness of our flesh supply. 

Far from us drive the foe we dread,
and grant us Thy peace instead;
so shall we not, with Thee for guide,
turn from the path of life aside. 

Oh, may Thy grace on us bestow
the Father and the Son to know;
and Thee, through endless times confessed,
of both the eternal Spirit blest. 

Now to the Father and the Son,
Who rose from death, be glory given,
with Thou, O Holy Comforter,
henceforth by all in earth and heaven. Amen. 

The Flame of Love: A Quest for God Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary this Advent

As Advent begins, we are called into a season of waiting, preparation, and hope—a time to open our hearts in anticipation of Christ’s birth. This sacred season invites us to reflect on the profound love that God has for us, a love embodied most perfectly in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Through her heart, the Flame of Love shines brightly, offering us an invitation to draw nearer to God.

The Flame of Love is not a distant or abstract ideal, but a living, vibrant presence of the Holy Spirit. It is the love Mary holds for God, a love that is both pure and all-encompassing, and it is through her heart that we can encounter the transformative power of God’s grace. Revealed in the mystical experiences of Elizabeth Kindelmann, the Flame of Love is a grace that leads to the conversion of souls, the renewal of the Church, and a way for us to experience a deeper connection, union with Christ.

Jesus to Elizabeth; “My light permeates you and surrounds you. Through Me, you enlighten in the obscure Advent these souls awaiting Me. The sacrifices of your life, united with My merits, will be light for them. I said, ‘You are the light of the world’ to those whom I filled with the special light of My grace. You and others must give light to the dark parts of the earth which are in the shadow of sin, such that My divine light attracts towards the true road those souls teetering in the shadow of sin and death.”  Today, I meditated all day on the Lord’s words, and I thought especially of these: “The sacrifices of your life, united with My merits, will be light for them.”

Advent, a season of longing and waiting, is the perfect time to reflect on this Flame of Love. It is a time when we await the coming of the Savior, but also a time when we prepare our hearts to receive His love more fully. Mary, in her Immaculate Heart, is the perfect guide for this journey. Her heart was the first to experience the joy of the Savior’s presence, the first to feel the warmth of His love, and the first to carry Him within her. As we wait for Christ’s birth in the manger, we also wait for Him to be born anew in our hearts, and there is no better way to prepare than by turning to the heart of Mary, the Mother of the Church.

The Flame of Love burns brightly in Mary’s heart, but it is meant to spread to all hearts. Just as a flame, once ignited, can light other flames, so too does Mary’s love invite us to pass on the love of God to others. This Advent, as we reflect on our own quest for God, let us allow the Flame of Love to ignite within us and spread to those around us. Just as the first flame of love burned brightly in the humble stable in Bethlehem, it continues to burn today, inviting us to approach the throne of God with pure hearts, to embrace the mystery of the Incarnation, and to allow God’s love to change us from within.

In this season of waiting, may we strive to live out our Advent journey not just as a time of passive expectation, but as an active quest for God. The Flame of Love, burning in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is a blazing beacon of hope, urging us to turn our hearts fully toward God and to seek Him in the most obscure places of our lives.

Let us, then, actively seek God and embrace this Flame of Love. Let it warm our souls, enlighten our minds, and guide our steps. Through Mary’s heart, we are drawn ever closer to the heart of God—our true destination this Advent season and throughout our lives.

“In the first place, it should be known that if anyone is seeking God, the Beloved is seeking that person much more” St. John of the Cross, Living Flame of Love

United with you in the Flame of Love,

Jill Metz

US National Director

Download the Advent Prayer Guide

Flame of Love Memorial Mass for the Holy Souls

Spread the effect of the Flame of Love IHM to the Holy souls in Purgatory through Holy Mass and the Flame of Love Hail Mary.

Offering the Gift of Prayer for the Holy Souls: Join Us for a Memorial Mass on November 29th

Memorial Mass for the Holy Souls

This November 29th at 7 PM ET, Father Michael Davis, Spiritual Advisor of the Flame of Love IHM US, will offer a special Memorial Mass for all your dearly departed loved ones. We invite you to join us in this sacred offering, as we pray for the souls in Purgatory and ask God to grant them peace and eternal rest.

WATCH THE HOLY MASS- https://www.facebook.com/share/v/PspRD1eE1Dwzt7co

Why Offering Mass for the Holy Souls Matters

Our earthly lives are the only time we have to pray for ourselves and others. The souls in Purgatory no longer have that ability to pray for themselves, and they rely on us to offer prayers and sacrifices on their behalf. The Holy Mass is the most efficacious prayer that we can offer because we unite with Jesus in the Eucharist, and receive His Body, Blood, Soul and very Divinity. The Spiritual Diary states that “it is the Mass, that blinds satan the most”.

The Flame of Love, obtained by the Blessed Virgin Mary, teaches us that our prayers, especially the Flame of Love Hail Mary prayer with the invocation of the Flame of Love, can profoundly affect the souls in Purgatory. In fact, each Flame of Love Hail Mary prayer has the power to release 10 souls from Purgatory.

Our Lady’s promise is clear: “During the month of November, for each Hail Mary recited in honor of my Flame of Love, ten souls will be released from Purgatory.” How beautiful it is to know that our prayers can be a light for those in darkness, bringing them into the eternal peace of God’s presence.


  1. Request a Mass: If you have loved ones who have passed away, or if you wish to pray for the souls in Purgatory, consider requesting a memorial Mass. Father Michael Davis will offer this special Mass on November 29th at 7 PM ET.
  2. Pray the Flame of Love Hail Mary: As you prepare for the Mass and when you offer up a rosary, we encourage you to pray the Flame of Love Hail Mary, which not only petitions Our Lady for her grace but also asks for the release of souls from Purgatory. “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed are Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, spread the effect of grace of Thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”
  3. Support the Flame of Love Movement: As you offer these prayers for the souls in Purgatory, we invite you to consider making a memorial donation to support the growth of the Flame of Love Movement in the United States. Your contribution helps spread the devotion of the Flame of Love and its powerful impact on the world.

Will you join us?

We have a beautiful opportunity to serve the Holy Souls in Purgatory, especially during the Month of the Holy Souls. Through prayer, Mass offerings, and the Flame of Love grace, we can bring these souls into their eternal rest with God. Join us in this important mission of love, and may the grace of Our Lady’s Flame of Love shine upon you and all those who have gone before us.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and generosity. We look forward to sharing this sacred time with you on November 29th at 7 PM ET.

  • Request Your Loved One’s Names Be Included In the Memorial MassNames can no longer be entered since the intentions have all been sent to Fr. Mike.
  • Watch the LiveStream on Assumption BVM Parish Facebook Page.
  • Make a Donation in memory of your deceased loved one to the Flame of Love Movement


Calling all FIRE STARTERS!

VIRTUAL Inquiry Meeting for National Volunteers

Calling All Fire Starters!

Tuesday, November 12th @ 8:00 pm ET  


Saturday, November 16th @ 11:00 am ET

We are offering this inquiry meeting to share information about the growth of the movement in the US and looking to connect with those of you who may have a calling in their hearts to offer MORE, but are not sure where to start. Unite with us to help spread the Flame!

“Try to serve Me even better. Don’t forget. There should not be even one hair between us. There is much to do and few laborers. With all your strength, remain continually in My redeeming work. You will not be paid less because you came later than those who arrived early. But, naturally, from you I require surrender and faithfulness that must last unto death, because it is the only way you can help from up there also. There, our hands will gather in unity.” Jesus to Elizabeth 

United in the Flame of Love this November 5th

Divine Charity calls us to ACTION. Help us blind Satan through your prayers on Election Day.
  • A Novena of Unity Prayers (9) at the top of every hour, starting first thing in the morning. Begin at the top of the hour according to the time you awake and go to bed. Be intentional with this, so that we may be unified. Perhaps setting an alarm will help, but if you aren’t able to offer 9 Unity Prayers, please join in at least one Unity Prayer at the top of each hour. Jesus to Elizabeth: “This prayer is an instrument in your hands. By collaborating with Me, Satan will be blinded by it; and because of his blindness, souls will not be led into sin.” 
  • Offer an Hour of Eucharistic Adoration for the atonement of the sins committed in our families, communities and nation. Mary to Elizabeth: “My little one, you are the first one showered by the effect of my Flame of Love full of grace, and in union with you, I am extending it to all the souls. Whenever someone does adoration in a spirit of atonement or visits the Blessed Sacrament, as long as it lasts, Satan loses his dominion on the parish souls. Blinded, he ceases to reign on souls.”
  • Join us on YouTube at 12pm ET to pray the Flame of Love Rosary for our Nation.

As we approach the 60th quadrennial presidential election in the United States on November 5, 2024, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment. This election is not just another political event; it represents a critical juncture where our freedoms and liberties risk being redefined, straying further from the Natural Law of God. This law, which reflects the dignity of the human person, serves as the foundation for our fundamental rights and responsibilities.

The Catechism describes natural law as a moral compass “written and engraved in the soul of each and every man.” It is a divine gift that empowers us to discern between good and evil, truth and falsehood. As St. Thomas Aquinas articulated, “The natural law is nothing other than the light of understanding placed in us by God; through it we know what we must do and what we must avoid.”

In our current cultural climate, divine charity emerges as a powerful antidote to the pervasive sins of greed and lust. While both sins threaten the fabric of our society, it is the sin of greed that warrants particular attention as we approach this election. Greed is prevalent today, so entrenched in our culture, that people are now commodities, easily canceled if they aren’t staying confined in the box of our own limitations. These limitations are often our narrow scope of who God is and who we are, as His Children.

We must embrace rightly ordered charity, one that does not enable harmful behaviors or speak falsehoods for the sake of popularity. Divine Charity compels us to confront difficult truths and take courageous actions. “A Christianity of charity without truth would be more or less interchangeable with a pool of good sentiments, helpful for social cohesion, but of little relevance. In other words, there would no longer be any real place for God in the world. Without truth, charity is confined to a narrow field devoid of relations.” Taken from CARITAS IN VERITATE, which is a great encyclical letter from Pope Benedict XVI that explores INTEGRAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN CHARITY AND TRUTH .

Have we allowed our nation to become defined by its sins? Greed is not our identity; neither is enslavement. We cannot claim true freedom or liberation until we invite the Father into the deepest parts of our souls—our hearts and wounds. This means also allowing those we believe are beyond His reach to enter into our lives and share His love with them.

The Blessed Virgin Mary, who is Divine Charity Herself, intercedes for all of God’s children. This is HER TIME to shine like never before! Through Mother Mary, we can enter into His Sacred Heart and conquer sin in the battle for our souls because we are fortified by the Blinding Grace of the Flame of Love. this helps us to love difficult souls in our lives, with a rightly ordered love, which is rooted in the virtues of the Holy Spirit.

Mary promises, “My Flame of Love will sweep away with uproar the distrust of souls. Encountering no resistance, the Flame will illumine souls with a gentle light. Those accepting the Flame of Love will be intoxicated by the abundance of graces and will proclaim everywhere that such a torrent of grace has never been granted since the Word became Flesh.”

The Blessed Virgin Mary has obtained for us this “torrent of grace”, as a gift from the Father, through the merits of the wounds of Jesus Christ. This is an extraordinary gift for these extraordinary times. The graces of the Flame of Love lead us back to the Father, uniting us in Him and blinding the forces of evil. This eternal love, ignited first through the Immaculate Conception, and now within Her Immaculate Heart, calls us to action!

We are in a fierce battle for the souls of our nation, and the complacency we once felt is giving way to a simmering urgency. As we prepare for this pivotal election, let us pray that Divine Charity, rooted in the truth of the Holy Spirit, be ignited and that the dignity and protection of every soul will be enshrined, not only within the Natural Laws of our souls, but in the Laws of our Nation. Remember our true identity in God and when tempted to hate the sinner, let’s strive to live out His love so we can be light and hope to a nation that desperately needs it.

Please further dedicate yourself to the spreading of the Flame of Love on Election Day, November 5th, and unite to pray for the mercy of God over our nation, and rededicate our hearts to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

United in the Flame of Love,

Jill Metz

US National Director


“O Lord, the family discord is so great that only a miracle will help.”  Jesus responds: “Cannot I work a miracle? “ August 3, 1962 words from Jesus to Elizabeth Kindelmann

Monsignor Ralph Cheiffo

Board President, Flame of Love Movement USA

When Elizabeth Kindelmann believed that Jesus and Mary were communicating messages of love and mercy, she committed herself to be one in heart with them.  Do we pray for the Flame of Love to grace and guide our hearts to be in communion with Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary?  The Spirit of Christ will enlighten our mind and kindle our hearts to burn out evil and fire us with presence, power and peace to become Missionary Disciples.

In the midst of family problems and difficulties for own children, Elizabeth begged our Lord and Mary for guidance.  Jesus responded: “I feel compassion for you.  My little one, I see your great efforts. Do not think they are in vain.  I bless your family greatly.  I free them from the devil who disturbs the family peace.  Just trust in Me.” Elizabeth responds: “O Lord, the family discord is so great that only a miracle will help.”  Jesus responds: “Cannot I work a miracle? “  “But I am not worthy, Lord.” “Nevertheless, I will work a miracle.  I will so bless the problem which seems Impossible that all will be straightened out.”

August 3, 1962 in the Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann

The messages of the Flame of Love reminds us that our loving Father sent Jesus to assure us that no matter how sinful we are, his Holy Spirit can transform sinners into saints.  By offering our lives, we discover that God has put us first in his thought, care, and concern for our well-being and future. By sacrificing his life, Our Lord set us free from the lies of the devil and bless us with his truth and way to a life of virtue.  Our surrender to his will is a response to his divine kindness and mercy towards us. Even while we were hopelessly adrift through our own sinful pride, rebellion and unbelief, the Father chooses to give us the grace of the Flame of Love on fire in the heart of Jesus to us with the freedom to obey his will.

Blessed Carlo Acutis and Elizabeth Kindelmann teach us that at each Mass, we celebrate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. The Liturgy of the Word announces God’s pardon and peace to those who profess the Apostles Creed.  In the reception of the Eucharist, we become one with his Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Jesus wants to live, love and serve through us.  As beloved sons and daughters of God, we are to build a kingdom of love, mercy and peace. For our goal as Christians is become companions of Jesus and Mary on journey to the Communion of Saints.

Take time before the Blessed Sacrament and reflect how the Flame of Love messages can heal your family and your personal relationship with Jesus through Mary. You will enjoy many miracles of healing and holiness, especially when you kindle heart-to-heart the fire of love and mercy flowing from God’s Powerful Spirit (GPS) from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Monsignor Cheiffo



“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

In 2024, we have been blessed by the tremendous growth of the Flame of Love IHM throughout the nation! As we approach Fall and begin considering events and materials for 2025, it has become clear that we have hit a critical need for donations.

Monsignor Ralph Chieffo, US Board President and former National Spiritual Advisor, encourages us to be cheerful givers as the Flame of Love IHM Movement ignites across the United States.

“I praise God the Father for sending us Jesus conceived in the womb of Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit.  This outpouring of divine love and mercy blesses us with the gift of salvation and a share in our divine call to be saints.  Living a sacramental life unites us to Christ and his Mother, the Church.  The gift we receive in his Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity is the gift we give to those hungering for meaning and purpose for their life.  Like our Blessed Mother, we can enkindle in others the Flame of Love, heart-to-heart. 

Elizabeth Kindelmann discovered that when she prayed for God’s plan for her life, Jesus blessed her with his divine presence in the Eucharist to grace and guide her to grow in faith, hope and love. In adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, she developed trust in clergy and laity to believe that our Lord chose her to receive and promote the messages of the Flame of Love.”

Saint Paul encourages all disciples of Jesus Christ to rejoice in the Lord always and be a cheerful giver.  Only by offering to others the presence, power and peace flowing from the effects of the grace of the Flame of Love in our hearts can we be Missionary Disciples of Jesus and Mary.

As our membership grows, we need everyone to pray, share and financially support the rising cost of prayer cards, books and events to promote the Flame of Love.  Take time before the Blessed Sacrament to thank God for the blessings you have received and ask our Lord how you can spiritually and financially give back with a “cheerful spirit.”

“I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”


The Flame of Love IHM Apostolate is World Wide and is 100% volunteer run! This is an incredible testimony of the Blessed Mother’s Cause for souls, as we witness the dedication of our leaders and all those who spread this great grace. The need for formation materials is mounting and our participation in larger National events is requested, yet extremely costly. If we want to continue to see the Flame of Love spread, we need your help and support. When you donate to the Flame of Love, you will ensure that this Flame continues to burn throughout our country by helping us to provide the resources for parishes and families.

What ever you can offer is greatly appreciated! If it is possible for you to offer a monthly donation, we humbly ask that you would consider this option. Having your committed support allows us to better plan for our future.

Please visit our DONATION page and THANK YOU for spreading the Flame of Love.

Dear Lord Jesus, everything that we have, was given to us from the abundance of Your Love so that we may share freely, never counting the cost. Thank you for taking care of us, Your little children, with great generosity. Amen.

Let’s build a TENT!

Today’s Holy Readings on this Feast of the Transfiguration offer us a contemplative image of FIRE and LIGHT. Jesus becomes transfigured by God the Father as a witness of hope to Peter, James and John. We know this because in the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 8, we learn about the state of the disciples; hungry, seeking signs and wonders, and ultimately a denial from Peter, who Jesus reprimands by saying “get behind me Satan.”

The Transfiguration of the Lord is foreshadowing of the fulfillment of the Law and His Resurrection. Jesus is always encouraging us in our journey of faith and the Transfiguration can teach us so many things, but focusing in on the imagery that is used in today’s readings we read about the FIRE and LIGHT of God.

St. Irenaeus wrote “The light of the Father passes into the flesh of Christ; and from Christ it shines forth upon us, so that each of us is enfolded” (Against Heresies, 4.20.2). He goes further to say that as we behold God’s light, we come to partake in it: “Just as those who see the light are within the light and participate in its splendor, so those who see God are within God and participate in His splendor” (Against Heresies, 4.20.5).

God’s grace and light shine through our weak human nature and transform us into who God created us to be, essentially “little christs” as CS Lewis coined.

We know that light and fire purify us, The Psalmist describes God testing Israel as through fire: “For thou, O God, hast tested us; thou hast tried us as silver is tried . . . we went through fire and through water” (Ps. 66:10,12). Isaiah describes God’s redemption of Israel in a similar way, saying that God will cleanse Jerusalem and the daughters of Zion by “a spirit of judgment and by a spirit of burning” (Isa. 4:4). The seraphim in Isaiah 6:6-7 purifies the “guilt” of Isaiah and takes away his sins by touching his lips with a ‘burning coal’.

The Flame of Love of Mary’s Immaculate Heart has an effect on our souls that purifies us, so that we are able to embrace our cross and enter into the sacrificial life of Christ. This great grace, if we accept it, brings to light our sin and our need of God. It purifies our motives, our desires and our soul because we receive Mary’s Love of Jesus into our hearts.  

“The water of My graces, like a stream, flows continually into your soul. Now is the moment to tell you why these abundant graces remain in your soul. By your sacrifices, you have dug a deep channel and the water of My divine graces, with its purifying power, has found a place in your soul. If you had not prepared this deep channel by your sacrifices, the purifying water of My graces would have drained off.” (Jesus, Blue Diary, pg. 234)

When we allow ourselves to be transformed by grace, those who are in the darkness of sin are easier to understand, much like what we read in Mark’s Gospel, Chapter 8… dubious, dissatisfied, legalistic, sign seeking, etc… It becomes clear that this is not about us, but about their blindness and woundedness. Like Jesus, we should desire their healing and offer what encouragement we can and pray for them.

When we look at the state of the world, we see a spiritual blindness in the hearts of God’s Children. This is where we must lean into GODLY LOVE and spread and invoke the Flame of Love. The mark of true love is willing the spiritual good of the other which can only be rooted in truth. Love without truth is not of God and we need courage and heroic virtue to love this way. We need Mary’s love in our hearts to love in this way.

A few weeks ago, when we attended the National Eucharistic Congress, 60,000 people experienced the transformative light of Christ, rooted in truth and people were healed. Healed of unworthiness, unforgiveness, and pride. Hearts were alive and beating for the Eucharistic LIGHT and the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

We prayed and gave the Flame of Love grace to thousands of people, we gave away hundreds of Elizabeth’s Spiritual Diaries, thousands of Unity Prayer cards and along with the other 60+ thousand we thought… “let’s build a tent!”

Receive the Flame of Love! Be not afraid of being transformed by the divine light of Mary’s Flame. She is gentle, yet powerful, and Her Flame of Love will put out the fire of hatred, not only in our own hearts but in the entire world.

Mary: “With this Flame full of graces that I give you from my heart, ignite all the hearts of the entire country.  Let this flame go from heart to heart.  This is the miracle becoming the blaze whose dazzling light will blind Satan.  This is the fire of love of union which I obtained from the Heavenly Father through the merits of the wounds of my Divine Son.” (Blue Diary, pg. 28)

Be a spark!

Jill Metz

US National Director

“There, with Him, may the eyes of our mind shine with His light and the features of our soul be made new; may we be transfigured with Him and molded to His image, ever become divine, being transformed in an ever greater degree of glory.” St. Anastasius of Sinai

Announcing the Appointment of a New US Spiritual Advisor

We are pleased to announce , through the recommendation of Monsignor Ralph Chieffo, that we have appointed Father Michael Davis as our new US Spiritual Advisor!

Father Mike has been serving in the movement for the last few years as the Vice President of the Board. He has demonstrated a fidelity to the Cause through his preaching and understanding of Mary’s role in salvation history.

Father Mike is a loving Shepherd, always willing to help and serve Our Lady and guide the many leaders who she has called.

Please join us in welcoming Father Mike Davis as our new Spiritual Advisor! We ask that you consider offering a Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament for Father Mike this week, and keep his intentions in your prayers as you pray the Flame of Love Rosary.

May God bless Father Mike Davis in his priesthood and as our new Spiritual Advisor!

Mary brings a Pentecost of the Heart, Her Flame of Love

Pentecost ushered in a new age of the Church through which Christ worked in a different means for our salvation. Can Christ offer new wine” for our salvation even today?

Absolutely God can and is, through the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The first communication of Our Blessed Mother to Elizabeth Kindelmann, describes this miraculous gift of grace, which renews and purifies hearts, that She obtained for every soul on the face of the planet.

“With this Flame full of graces that I give you from my heart, ignite all the hearts of the entire country.  Let this flame go from heart to heart.  This is the miracle becoming the blaze whose dazzling light will blind Satan.  This is the fire of love of union which I obtained from the Heavenly Father through the merits of the wounds of my Divine Son.

Mary to Elizabeth in the Spiritual Diary Pg 28

Jesus later adds…

 “By her [Mary’s] powerful intercession, she obtained from Me for families this great effusion of grace, which she also wants to extend to the whole world. As she said: ‘Nothing comparable to this has happened ever since the Word became Flesh.’ Pg 187

The outpouring of this grace, blinds satan as Mother Mary, through Her Maternal Heart and the Holy Spirit, gives us Her love of God to liberate us and form Christ in Our Hearts. Mary offers us New Wineskins to prepare for the New Wine.

“She places the healing power of her maternal goodness at the root of evil. She did not want to perform a spectacular miracle as does occur in the large famous sanctuaries of the world, giving rise to great admiration. She wants every family to be a sanctuary, a wonderful place where, in union with you, she works miracles in the depth of hearts. Going from heart to heart, she places in your hands the Flame of Love of her heart. Through your prayers and sacrifices, it will blind Satan who wants to rule over families.”

Satan’s attack on families and souls is no match for Mary’s Immaculate Heart… the Triumph is Coming!

He spoke to me at length about the time of grace and the Spirit of Love quite comparable to the first Pentecost, flooding the earth with its power. That will be the great miracle drawing the attention of all humanity. All that is the effusion of the effect of grace of the Blessed Virgin’s Flame of Love. The earth has been covered in darkness because of the lack of faith in the soul of humanity and therefore will experience a great jolt. Following that, people will believe. This jolt, by the power of faith, will create a new world. Through the Flame of Love of the Blessed Virgin, faith will take root in souls, and the face of the earth will be renewed, because “nothing like it has happened ever since the Word became Flesh.” The renewal of the earth, although flooded with sufferings, will come about by the power of intercession of the Blessed Virgin.”

Elizabeth, from the Spiritual Diary Pg 149

Saint Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis have all spoken about the coming of and need for a new Pentecost.

Do you believe that a New Pentecost can occur through the Spouse of the Holy Spirit?

“Mary has been unknown up till now, and that is one of the reasons why Jesus Christ is not known as he should be. If then, as is certain, the knowledge and the kingdom of Jesus Christ must come into the world, it can only be as a necessary consequence of the knowledge and reign of Mary. She who first gave him to the world will establish his kingdom in the world.”

St Louis de Montfort, Total Consecration
Do you believe a new Pentecost can occur with your YES and desire to be made new?

“My little one, my Flame of Love has become so incandescent that I want to spread on you not only its light, but also its warmth with all its power. My Flame of Love is so great that I can no longer keep it within me; it leaps out at you with explosive force. My love that is spreading will overcome the satanic hatred that contaminates the world so that the greatest number of souls is saved from damnation. I am confirming there has never been anything like this before. This is my greatest miracle ever I am accomplishing for all. (She begged me not to misunderstand her.) My words are clear as crystal and easy to understand, hence do not create confusion with misinterpretations. Your responsibility then would be great if you ever did this. Get to work, do not be lazy. I will help you in an almost miraculous way, and my help will always continue. Trust me. Act quickly. Do not put off my Cause to another day.

            Satan does not look on with his arms folded, he is making enormous efforts. He already feels that my Flame of Love is lighting. This provoked his terrible fury.

Mary to Elizabeth Kindelmann pg. 99 of the Spiritual Diary
If you believe and want to enkindle the Flame, join us in the Upper Room…

Enter into battle, we will be the conquerors. My Flame of Love will blind Satan to the same extent that all of you spread it around the world. Just as the whole world knows my name, so I want the Flame of Love of my heart performing miracles in the depths of the hearts to also be known. There will be no need to investigate this miracle. All will feel its authenticity within their hearts. Whoever has felt it once will communicate it to others because my grace will be active in them. There is no need for authentication. I will authenticate it myself in every soul so that all recognize the effusion of grace of my Flame of Love.”

Mary to Elizabeth Kindelmann pg. 99 of the Spiritual Diary

Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the power of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

Happy Pentecost!

Jill Metz

Rally Captains for the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage

Flame of Love Torchbearers

Thank you for your interest in being a part of the Eucharistic Revival to IGNITE the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the hearts of God’s people. This is a pivotal moment in Salvation History, and we have the powerful gift of GRACE, which does blind satan and purifies souls, so we must LET IT GO and share this gift with our brothers and sisters!

What is the Mission?

The mission is Our Lady’s Cause! To spread the Flame of Love, heart to heart, blind satan and help bring about the Triumph of the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts!

We have 3 main goals to help ignite the Flame of Love throughout the US during these Eucharistic Rallies.

  1. PRAY! Simply be present to pray the powerful prayers of the Flame of Love, which have been given to ALL HUMANITY to blind satan. We will especially be praying for:
    • Families
    • Priests
    • Those who have fallen away from their Catholic Faith
  2. SHARE the FLAME OF LOVE with others by offering up your sacrifices and asking Mary to send her graces into those who would like to receive. Encourage others to learn more about the Flame of Love and how to share the grace!
  3. GIVE the UNITY PRAYER Card as a gift to others at the Rally, explaining the significance of this prayer.

What does a Torchbearer Rally Captain do?

Becoming a Torchbearer to IGNITE the Flame to Indianapolis is easy and requires just a few people in each region to give their FIAT to praying and being present at the designated time and place according to the plan of your Diocese for the Eucharistic Revival.

  • Check the Eucharistic Congress Pilgrimage Routes on the Interactive Map to see if your local area/Diocese is hosting a Rally.
  • If you have Rally locations in your area, check with your local Flame of Love cenacle group or ask your family members if they would like to participate.
  • YES! You want to ignite the Flame with other Torchbearers in your group!  Please contact Paula Amicarelli and she will register you and/or your cenacle as the Rally Point Captain to the location you have chosen. Once a location has been designated to a Registered Rally Captain, Paula will help connect others, who are interested in attending at this location, to that Rally Leader.
  • All Registered Rally Captains will receive via email a Prayer Guide and list of specific people’s names who our devotees have asked us to pray for that have fallen away from the Catholic Church. Send your REQUEST HERE: https://flameoflove.us/eucharistic-congress-prayer-request-form/

Prayer requests for these souls will be sent to Rally Captains and we will specifically include them in our prayer ceremony at each Rally point, asking Mother Mary to ignite the Flame of Love in their hearts and lead them back to Jesus in the Eucharist.

  • If possible, we ask Rally Leaders and groups to purchase UNITY PRAYER CARDS and distribute them to people at the events. If your group does not have the means to purchase Unity Prayer cards, please let us know and we will do our best to provide them, however we have a small budget for this and possibly not all requests can be honored. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Rally Captains are to keep in contact with Paula and their group with logistics and any updates pertaining to the day of the event and the days leading to the Eucharistic Congress. This is a grass roots effort, so we understand that this may vary according to the needs and availability of each group.  The Flame of Love Eucharistic Prayer Guide will offer further ways for the Rally Captain to engage their group.

There are Rally points all over the Nation and our hope and prayer is that YOU will help Mother Mary to enkindle the Flame of Love of Her Immaculate Heart into all these KICK-OFF Points! The way to revival starts within our hearts and the Flame of Love of Mary’s Immaculate Heart has given us the GIFT of GRACE which blinds satan and brings about conversion through the outpouring of Mary’s love for Jesus. Give this gift to others and share the Fire of Mary’s Love for Jesus with the world.

Mary said to Elizabeth:

“With this Flame full of graces that I give you from my heart, ignite all the hearts of the entire country.  Let this flame go from heart to heart.  This is the miracle becoming the blaze whose dazzling light will blind Satan. This is the fire of love of union which I obtained from the heavenly father through the merits of the wounds of my Divine Son.” April 13, 1962

THANK YOU for your desire to join us in offering the gift of grace that will revitalize all of mankind! United, we will see the wildfire!

If you are able to make a donation to support our participation in the Eucharistic Congress, please help! We are in desperate need of underwriters for this event.

May our feet journey together!

Light the Flame at a Eucharistic Caravan Rally Point Near You

May our hands gather in UNITY!

Light hearts on fire, show your love for the Eucharist and be part of one of the largest pilgrimages ever in the history of our Church and our nation. Flame of Love devotees will assemble at planned Rally Points across the nation as part of the Eucharistic Caravan to the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July. Pilgrims from across the country will begin May 17th processing from all corners of the U.S. behind the Blessed Sacrament, converging at churches, sacred sites and shrines along the way. BE A RALLY POINT LEADER!

IGNITE the Flame of Love!

  • With Jesus as the focus of the entire pilgrimage, it’s a perfect opportunity to share the grace of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which always points to Her Son, and to pray together that through the Holy Sacrifices of the Mass, Christ will draw us into greater unity as a people, as a nation and as a Holy Church.
  • “Every movement needs a moment.” This culmination point of the three-year Eucharistic Revival is clearly a special moment for Immaculate Heart of Mary and The Flame of Love movement.
  • Special events on the routes will include Sunday Mass at a Cathedral or other major church in the host diocese, Eucharistic adoration, praise and worship, or a talk with a Eucharistic theme. Volunteer to be a Flame of Love Rally Point leader and please contact Paula and details will be directly emailed to you. Or bring the Flame of Love in your heart to these special gatherings!
  • Rally Point leaders are asked to lead Flame of Love devotees in a group prayer. We will supply Rally Point leaders with Flame of Love information and a prayers guide. Rally Point Leaders will be encouraged to purchase UNITY PRAYER cards to distribute at the event, but this is not mandatory.
  • On July 16, 2024, all four branches of this historic Pilgrimage will converge in Indianapolis for the 10th National Eucharistic Congress – an important milestone within the three-year Eucharistic Revival movement.

June 21-23 South Route Atlanta https://www.eucharisticpilgrimage.org/st-juan-diego-route

June 21-23 East Route Steubenville, OH https://www.eucharisticpilgrimage.org/st-elizabeth-ann-seton-route

June 28-30 North Route Chicago https://www.eucharisticpilgrimage.org/marian-route

June 28-30 East Route Columbus https://www.eucharisticpilgrimage.org/st-elizabeth-ann-seton-route

July 5-7 North Route Notre Dame https://www.eucharisticpilgrimage.org/marian-route

July 5-7 East Route Cincinnati https://www.eucharisticpilgrimage.org/st-elizabeth-ann-seton-route

July 5-7 West Route St. Louis https://www.eucharisticpilgrimage.org/st-junipero-serra-route

If you and your cenacle are interested in becoming FLAME OF LOVE RALLY POINT LEADERS to IGNITE the Flame of Love at any of the above cities along the Pilgrimage, please contact Paula and details will be directly emailed to you.

For more information about the 10th National Eucharistic Congress July 17-21 in Indianapolis, or to register to attend, click here: https://www.eucharisticcongress.org/

Divine Mercy from The Flame of Love Blesses Us with Unity and Peace

Do you know the mercy and joy of believing in the Risen Lord? Even after the apostles saw the empty tomb and heard the reports of Jesus’ appearance to the women, they were still weak in faith and fearful of being arrested by the Jewish authorities. When Jesus appeared to …

Bring the Flame of Love to the Eucharistic Revival Caravan

May our feet journey together!

Four routes, 60 days, a thousand hosts, 6000+ miles and 100,000+ participants – that’s the Eucharist Revival Caravan. Whether you join an organized route or create your own pilgrimage, you can help light hearts on fire by bringing the Flame of Love to this historic event.  Be part of one of the largest pilgrimages ever in the history of our Church and our nation, as pilgrims from across the country process behind the Blessed Sacrament on the way to the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. This expansive and powerful demonstration of faith in the Eucharist is a beacon for the entire country and the world!

Have an Emmaus Moment

Bringing Jesus in the Eucharist to communities across the country, the Pilgrimage reaches from coast-to-coast. Each of the four routes winds through city streets and urban highways with stops at shrines, churches and holy sites. Walking with and towards Jesus opens our hearts to moments of inspiration, fellowship, and opportunity to spread Mary’s Flame of Love — so needed at this time in this tumultuous world. The Flame you carry can help to ignite the fire of renewal so desired by Our Lord and Our Lady. We undertake this journey with Our Lord so that we and others may experience Him deeply and personally, as the disciples did 2,000 years ago at Emmaus. May it be a turning point for the renewal of the Church and the Faith around the world!

Jesus will be the focus of the entire pilgrimage as you walk side-by-side with the Lord in the Eucharist as public witness of our love for Him:

  • A small, dedicated group of young adults will walk full-time from May 17th to July 17th. They will be led by clergy and followed by a support van. These “Perpetual Pilgrims” will rely on the hospitality of local hosts, including lay families, parishes, religious orders and shrines along the way. Click here to volunteer as a host home:  https://www.eucharisticcongress.org/volunteer
  • You can participate in any portion of the Eucharistic Caravan by meeting up at any point on one of the four routes. We will be providing more information about specific potential “Rally Points” along the way that we have identified as potential Flame of Love meet-up points.
  • Special events on the routes will include Sunday Mass at a Cathedral or other major church in the host diocese, Eucharistic adoration, praise and worship, or a talk with a Eucharistic theme. Pray that through the Holy Sacrifices of the Mass, Christ will draw us into greater unity as a people, as a nation and as a Holy Church.
  • On July 16, 2024, all four branches of this historic Pilgrimage will converge in Indianapolis for the 10th National Eucharistic Congress – an important milestone within the three-year Eucharistic Revival movement and a historic moment for the Catholic Church in the U.S.

Explore the four routes across the United States and register for one of the many free events along the way:


STARTING LOCATION: Mississippi Headwaters, Lake Itasca, MN







In our next post we will share information about how you and your cenacle can become FLAME OF LOVE RALLY POINT LEADERS, and IGNITE the Flame of Love at different locations along the Pilgrimage!

For more information about the 10th National Eucharistic Congress July 17-21 in Indianapolis, or to register to attend, click here: https://www.eucharisticcongress.org/

“I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you.” Ezekiel 36:26

Alleluia! Happy and Blessed Easter!  

As a Catholic Convert, the season of Lent has been a time of great warfare and blessing for me. I recall very vividly, as a Catechumen, times of deep darkness, unlike anything I had experienced before. I would sometimes be paralyzed by fear with the thoughts that would enter my mind. Thoughts of unworthiness, rejection, shame and yes, even despair.

After entering the Church, I became the RCIA Coordinator for many years. God knew I needed more formation, and I certainly could relate to those entering the Church. What I didn’t understand as a Catechumen, I saw clearly as a Coordinator, that when we are giving God our FIAT, moving into a new season of the Spiritual Life, we will become a target for the evil one.

I could see this warfare rise up most fiercely in the RCIA process during the Third, fourth and Fifth weeks of Lent, otherwise known as the Scrutinies. The purpose of the Scrutinies is “to uncover, then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful” in the hearts of the Elect and to “strengthen all that is upright, strong, and good.” (Quotes from Ritual Text for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, paragraph #141)

The Scrutinies are about examining our heart and allowing God into those places in us that are wounded, scared, disordered, and maybe even hidden from our minds. They prepare us for The Eucharist banquet, taking us from the darkness of our sin, into the Light of Christ.

It’s amazing to me to see this same type of process and warfare as people come to receive and understand the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. While it’s not a sacrament and should not be regarded as such, it is a powerful torrent of GRACE. Our Lady says…

“I assure you, my little one, that I have never before given into your hands such a powerful force of grace, the burning flame of the love of my heart. Ever since the Word became Flesh, I have not undertaken a greater movement than the Flame of Love of my heart who rushes to you.”

Page 60 of the Spiritual Diary

People come into this outpouring of grace and become exposed to a new fire, one that will illuminate our need for healing and show us our weaknesses and our defects so as to transform us. Transformation is hard because it requires us to allow God to bring us into His Light and change us. We give our lives to Him so He can Give us His Life. This is the heart of the Christian journey, union with God. But what is very different is that the graces of this Flame of Love truly do blind satan, IF we enter into Mary’s Immaculate Heart. If we try and receive these graces without Mary’s help, we will turn away…and many do because they want the grace without being prepared to receive it. They want the new heart, free of the charge, but they want the “transplant” to be painless and we know that love doesn’t work that way.

Love will call us to transformation and transformation will call us to sacrifice and we will need grace to respond to any of it! The Flame of Love of Mary’s Immaculate Heart is that grace, the grace that we need to repent and amend our lives so that we can make reparation for the sins against God. This is the mission of what Mother Mary called us to at Fatima.

Catholics receive a great gift in the Eucharist, where Jesus Christ enters us and transforms us. I love the sacraments of the Catholic Church and I’m deeply grateful that I was able to respond and persevere with grace in becoming a Catholic. But, not everyone is able to receive the Sacraments and not everyone is receiving them worthily. So Jesus and Mary have made a way, through Divine Mercy and The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, where mercy and grace flow down from Heaven for all souls who will receive AND share. Grace and mercy are actions and we are missionaries of love.

As a Universal Church, we understand that we are entering into the Passion. I wonder, can we look at this time and this grace with the same efficacy as The Scrutinies? Perhaps it’s a stretch, or just maybe it’s the perfect comparison. It’s for you to discern. But if you are a Christian, no one can deny that Mary is the Mother of God, and that Jesus came to us from her virginal and perfect womb to save us from our sins, and that He rose again to give us a new life. I believe that now, Mary is giving us Christ through Her Immaculate Heart to purify us and prepare the world for His Eucharistic Reign and the Resurrection of the Church.

“The earth has been covered in darkness because of the lack of faith in the soul of humanity and therefore will experience a great jolt. Following that, people will believe. This jolt, by the power of faith, will create a new world. Through the Flame of Love of the Blessed Virgin, faith will take root in souls, and the face of the earth will be renewed, because “nothing like it has happened ever since the Word became Flesh.” The renewal of the earth, although flooded with sufferings, will come about by the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin.”

Jesus – Page 149 of the Spiritual Diary

I encourage us to listen very intently to the Readings tonight during the Great Easter Vigil and reflect upon the state of humanity and the state of our own hearts. What is the profit Ezekiel telling God’s people?! Does it apply to us today?

The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary blinds satan and resurrects Jesus in our souls! Enter into the fire of the Triune Love and ask Mary to give you the Heart and Spirit of God.

May our feet journey together!

Jill Metz

US National Director, servant, sister, and daughter of Jesus and Mary.

PS… Enjoy your Easter season! I encourage you to stay rooted in the weekly Agenda, daily Flame of Love Rosary and prayers, and the sacrifice of meat on Fridays. Yes, we are an alleluia people AND we are part of Mary’s Special Fighting Force for souls, so keep up the good fight!

“You must dedicate yourselves to blind Satan. The coordinated forces of the entire world are necessary to accomplish this. Do not delay because someday you will be called to account for the work entrusted to you, for the fate of a multitude of souls. I do not want even one soul damned. Satan will be blinded inasmuch as you work against him.”

Mary- page 176 of the Spiritual Diary

Meet Paula Amicarelli

As a young woman in my twenties, I first learned of the apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugorje from a family friend who had traveled there. I was astounded. Our Lady appearing now? I thought that hadn’t happened since Lourdes and Fatima. I knew, like Thomas, I had to go see for myself, but it would be three decades before I got there. Family responsibilities and the war that raged in Bosnia during the 1990s kept me away. In about 2008, a friend gave me the book, Fatima in Lucia’s Own Words. I read it again and again. In late 2012, I finally booked my journey to Medjugorje, Bosnia, for Easter week 2013.

“I’m not going there to ask for anything,” I told myself. “I just want to say thank you as I promised years ago.” The Blessed Mother had been my strength during life’s trials. Little did I know that an ensuing family crisis would have me most certainly asking for a miracle! I also had no inkling of the many other blessings that would follow.

In Medjugorje, I learned the power of pilgrimage and of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. It took several years for me to integrate my experiences there. With time, my understanding of and trust in our Catholic faith deepened.

When I returned home, I joined the Disciples of Jesus and Mary formation program of The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT). Always a reader, I discovered Divine Mercy in My Soul: The Diary of St. Faustina; True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary by St. Louis de Montfort; and later The Diary of Elizabeth Kindelman and The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I was struck by the timing and succession of these graces. Our Lady guides us through the ages for the times at hand, always pointing to Her Son who is present in the Eucharist, accompanying us through human history.

Early in 2024, I learned of the National Eucharistic Congress as the culmination of the three-year Eucharistic Revival, and the pilgrimage routes forming from all four corners of the U.S. Instantly it jumped out at me as The Flame of Love in action! If I could have dreamed up the perfect campaign to ignite the Flame, this would be it. I dived in and discovered the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops had planned an amazing journey for all of us. All we have to do is say “yes” and participate.

It’s my joy and my honor to bring The Flame of Love to the National Eucharistic Congress under the mantle of Our Lady. I hope you will bring it on, too!

THANK YOU PAULA! We are delighted that Paula has accepted the call of Our Lady and for her generosity in sharing her time and gifts to ignite the Flame of Love during this Eucharist Year of REVIVAL!
Please contact Paula if you have any questions.

Ignite the Flame of Love During Holy Week

Ignite the Flame of Love During Holy Week with the Blessed Virgin Mary’s 7 Virtues

This Seven Day Journey with Mary to Easter is offered to all who want to grow
in the virtues of the Blessed Virgin, help alleviate the sufferings of Her
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, and drink from the Chalis of Reparation for
the Salvation of Souls.
Meditations and reflections are inspired through the Flame of Love of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann OCDS and the
Responsorial Psalm of the Readings each day.

Download the Prayer Guide

Flame of Love Holy Week Meditations


Parents trying to build holy families today are walking through a minefield. One false step and the family blows up. Surveys show that the best way to pass on faith is that both parents practice the faith. If a father alone practices, almost 85 percent of children will follow, but …