of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Category: <span>Monsignor Ralph Chieffo blog</span>

Category: Monsignor Ralph Chieffo blog


Divine Mercy from The Flame of Love Blesses Us with Unity and Peace

Do you know the mercy and joy of believing in the Risen Lord?

Even after the apostles saw the empty tomb and heard the reports of Jesus’ appearance to the women, they were still weak in faith and fearful of being arrested by the Jewish authorities. When Jesus appeared to them, he offered proof of his resurrection by showing them the wounds of his passion, His pierced hands, and his side. He calmed their fears and brought them peace, the peace that reconciles sinners and makes them friends of God.

While Thomas deeply loved the Lord, he lacked the courage to stand with Jesus in his passion and crucifixion. After Jesus’ death, Thomas made the mistake of withdrawing from the other apostles. He sought isolation rather than fellowship in his time of trial and adversity. As Thomas finally had the courage to rejoin the other apostles, the Lord Jesus made his presence known and reassured Thomas that he had overcome death and risen again.
When Thomas recognized his Master, he believed and exclaimed that Jesus was indeed Lord and truly God!

As Missionary Disciples of Jesus, we need more than just belief; we need faith and courage to live and proclaim the Gospel of mercy in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus did something that only love and trust can do. He commissioned his weak and timid apostles to bring the Good News of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. The sending out of the disciples parallels the sending out of Jesus by his heavenly Father. Jesus fulfilled his mission through perfect love and obedience to the will of his Father. He called his first disciples and now calls each of us to do the same. Just as Jesus gave his first disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit, he breathed on each of us with the same Holy Spirit, equipping us with new life, power, joy, and courage to live each day as his followers.

Let us be inspired by their example and motivated by the power of the Holy Spirit within us. With trust in God’s Powerful Spirit, we can proclaim that Jesus is our personal Lord and our God. He died and rose so that we, too, might have new life in him. The Lord offers each of us new life in His Holy Spirit so that we may know him personally and walk in this new way of life through the power of his resurrection.

Do you believe the Gospel’s good news and the power of the Flame of Love of the Holy Spirit to bless you with renewed faith , hope, love, mercy, peace and joy?

Love and prayers,
Monsignor Ralph J. Chieffo
National Spiritual Director of the Flame of Love


Parents trying to build holy families today are walking through a minefield. One false step and the family blows up. Surveys show that the best way to pass on faith is that both parents practice the faith. If a father alone practices, almost 85 percent of children will follow, but …


When Elizabeth Kindelmann said “Yes” to the Will of Jesus and Mary, she received the Flame of Love burning from our Trinitarian Family. With her humble and contrite heart, this widow grew in self-confidence by purifying her soul in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Uniting her life with the pierced heart …


Spread the Flame of Love by Praying the Rosary

Pope Francis has asked all Catholics to pray the rosary daily during the month of October. We pray asking Mary and St. Michael the Archangel to intercede for the protection of the Church and family life in a moment of “spiritual turbulence.” Pope Francis affirmed that the Rosary “is the weapon against the Great Accuser who ‘goes around the world seeking to accuse.’ Only prayer can defeat him.” By praying and living the Mysteries of the Rosary, we develop a more intimate relationship with Jesus and Mary. Filled with peace and joy, we want to share our gift with those we love and serve.

Saint Francis de Sales teaches us: “The measure of love is to love without measure.” The Flame of Love is the burning love radiating from our loving Father, merciful Son and God’s Powerful Spirit (GPS). To repair the effects of Original Sin, Jesus pays our debt on the cross and Mary becomes our Spiritual Mother. The best way we can enjoy this gift of freedom is by becoming a Missionary Disciple of Jesus through Mary’s example and intercession.

Praising God overcomes sin and frees us to see the face of God in all that we love and serve. Jesus became one of us to show us the way and the truth and to have faith and hope in eternal life. Our destiny is to rejoice always and join the Communion of the Saints. The Holy Spirit consecrates us to be a channel of peace, while the devil condemns us for our sins. By trusting in the infinite love and Mercy of Jesus, He enables us to forgive others as God forgives us.

Elizabeth Kindelmann experienced suffering and rejection in promoting the Flame of Love. By praying to our Blessed Mother, Elizabeth rejoiced in the birth of Jesus, embraced his wounds, offered her life and shared the glory of our Risen Lord. By sharing her writings, Elizabeth kindles the fire of the Flame of Love in many restless souls. Saint John Paul II and Elizabeth challenge us to become an Apostle of Light to blind Satan and promote the Gospel of Joy heart-to-heart.

We are all sinners striving to be saints. Christian witnesses forgive others as God forgives us. As we repent and reconcile with the Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, so we must forgive one another heart-to-heart. As precious children of God, we must obey his will and plan for us in good times and bad. By embracing our crucified Savior, we transform our human love into divine love. The glory of God is that we become the best version of our self. True love is willing the good of others. Our Mission is to inspire new disciples of Jesus and Mary. As we pass on the Flame of Love in our hearts, we ignite restless hearts to rest in the peace and joy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Remember, each time we receive Holy Communion, we become who we receive the Body of Christ. By trusting in His Will, we can encourage our family and friends to build a culture of life and love. Is Jesus and Mary calling you to pray and live the Mysteries of the Rosary with the graces flowing from the Flame of Love?

Love and prayers,
Monsignor Ralph J. Chieffo
National Spiritual Director of the Flame of Love

Msgr. Chieffo offers a reflection and encourages prayers and gratitude for Jill Metz and Eileen Piergiovanni

THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS COMMUNICATES COMMUNION WITH GOD AND ONE ANOTHER “Precious Blood, ocean of divine mercy: Flow upon us! Precious Blood, most pure offering: Procure us every grace! Precious Blood, hope and refuge of sinners: Atone for us! Precious Blood, delight of holy souls: Draw us!” – St. Catherine …


Parishioners, names withheld, praise Jesus and thank our parish family for praying for the health of their twins who were born on June 25, 2022 weighing one pound each. They are healthy and happy bringing joy to their parents and big brother, name withheld.  With the birth of each precious …


While a child, our Blessed Mother asked Maximilian Kolbe to choose the red crown of martyrdom or white crown of sacrificing himself daily.  The young Max responded that he wanted both crowns. Saint Maximilian Kolbe became a Franciscan priest and always chose to surrender his human will to God’s will. …