of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed Are The Eyes That See

Blessed Are The Eyes That See

Today’s Consuming Fire Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s Scriptures

Thursday of the Sixteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Blessed Are The Eyes That See

Jesus said, “My little one,
take courage and gaze at Me. May our eyes look at each other and our glances melt in one
another.” (Jesus) (January 14, 1963)

Today’s Readings: “But blessed are your eyes, because they see,
and your ears, because they hear.
Amen, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people
longed to see what you see but did not see it,
and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.” (Matthew 13)

Prayer Meditation- Lord, we can often feel that it would have been better to have been with You in person like the Apostles who walked with You day to day. But Lord, we have it even better! Because, though Your Real Presence is veiled in the Blessed Sacrament, we can receive You daily at Mass and visit You daily in any Catholic Church anywhere in the world! Lord, how we take this for granted! Lord open the eyes of our hearts that we would keep our eyes fixed on You Lord as You gaze on us with love beyond all telling!