Today’s Consuming Fire Meditation- – A Daily Dose of the Flame of Love Diary Served Up with Today’s Scriptures
First Sunday of Advent
Awake- Put On Christ This Advent
“Many souls are asleep like yours was. I also want to give to them the life-giving rays of my maternal heart, the effect of the grace of my Flame of Love.” (Mary) (May 19, 1963)
Today’s Readings: Brothers and sisters:
You know the time;
it is the hour now for you to awake from sleep.
For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed;
the night is advanced, the day is at hand. (Romans 13)
Prayer Meditation- Lord, today, this First Day of Advent, we turn our attention not to Your First Coming but to Your Second. So many of us get all caught up in the end of the world- either anxiously trying to read the signs or thinking it is some far distant event. But neither posture is what You want from us because no matter when the End is, our end will come sooner than we may think. And how many of us are just sleep walking through life- caught up in our own sins, faults, failures, hang-ups, and weaknesses or just busying ourselves to the point where we are numb to Your Voice and Your Call. Advent is the time to wake up! Let us examine ourselves and make ourselves ready to meet You- purified of all that does not belong to You. The sure way to do this is total surrender to Your Divine Providence- most of us don’t have to make up some new mortifications because life itself is mortification if offered with loving acceptance and trust to the God who yearns for us to walk in freedom for eternity. Mother Mary with Your Spouse the Holy Spirit, help us to put on Christ as Saint Paul asks us so that we would be armored in light, the light of the world!