of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Author: <span>Flame of Love</span>

Author: Flame of Love




Lord Jesus, invite me today to be your disciple.


Picture Jesus calling his first disciples along the Sea of Galilee.


This gospel text begins “After John was arrested” and it records Jesus’ first homily of his public ministry. He repeats John’s teaching that the reign of God has come and gathers his four most important helpers.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. Jesus follows his heavenly Father’s timetable.  While John is preaching, he remains silent.  When John is arrested, Jesus knows to begin.
  2. These are the most important years in world history, as Jesus begins to save all mankind.
  3. Jesus says that the Kingdom is at hand. God’s power will break into human history.
  4. Everyone must be ready.  So, Jesus tells everyone to turn away from evil and believe in him.
  5. The two sets of brother are the first to hear the message. They respond immediately.
  6. Peter and Andrew leave their boats behind.  James and John leave their father and friends.  These four are perfect models for all believers

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Heavenly Father, what is your timetable for my life?  When is the time for me to act?
  • Jesus, I believe.  This is the hour, the time of fulfillment.  I will not delay.
  • I believe.  I accept your Kingdom. I repent. I turn to you and hear your voice.
  • Jesus, you want to come into my heart.
  • I hear your call. I will follow you, forever and ever.
  • O Jesus, You are the gift of the Father.  What else compares with your friendship?  I will leave everything to be your friend.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will learn God’s timetable. What does he expect today?
+ When Jesus invites me today, I will answer immediately.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




Holy Spirit, pour out your fire.


Picture Jesus after his baptism.


In Luke, the crowds play a large role. They are filled with anticipation. Also, they get baptized before Jesus does. The two central points are Jesus’ power to baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire, and the heavenly manifestations of the Spirit and the Father.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. John turns the spotlight away from himself.
  2. His task is to prepare for Jesus.
  3. He minimizes his own power to baptize with water.
  4. He promises a more powerful person who will baptize in the Spirit.
  5. According to God’s plan, Jesus comes to the Jordan as god had planned.
  6. After his Baptism, the Holy Spirit remains on Jesus as a permanent anointing.
  7. The Father’s voice confirms Jesus as his beloved.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Jesus, prepare my heart for you.
  • Pour out your Spirit upon me.
  • Teach me to know and follow the Father’s plan.
  • When You open the heavens all your graces fall on me.
  • Spirit, remain upon me.
  • Father, I also will exalt your Son.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will ask for the Holy Spirit.
+ I will try to be the Father’s beloved child.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




Come Holy Spirit. Help me to prepare to increase my life in Jesus.


Picture yourself at the Jordan with John.


Luke has told the stories of Jesus infancy, ending with Jesus being lost in the temple. The next 18 years are Jesus’ hidden life. Now the drama opens and John the Baptist is the first actor on the scene.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. Caesar and Pilate have political power, but John has the power of God.
  2. The “word came to John”. The Kingdom was coming and a religious revival was about to happen.
  3. The people sensed this movement of God’s Spirit, and made their journey to the Jordan.
  4. They repented of their sins and sought John’s Baptism.
  5. Prepared by their Jewish culture, they understood that John was the messenger, preparing the way for the Messiah.
  6. John’s clothing and food were signs of repentance, so the people quickly believed his preaching.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Let your word come to me, O Lord.
  • You have a timetable, a moment prepared for my conversion.
  • Where do you dwell, O Lord? Where can I find you?
  • Where do you stir? Where is your Spirit moving?
  • I will seek you in daily Eucharist. Your Spirit dwells there.
  • You have promised to come. I will wait for you.
  • Jesus, I will seek forgiveness for my sins, and be ready for your coming.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will find personal solitude where I can hear God’s word.
+ I will repent of my sins and make a good confession. That is the right place to begin, Advent.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




Come, Holy Spirit. Help me to believe that Jesus can cleanse me.


Picture Jesus cleansing the leper.


In these early stages of Jesus’ ministry, Mark wants to show his great power. There is no controversy surrounding the healing because Jesus has not made any enemies as yet.
Although the man disobeys Jesus’ orders, he is a perfect model for the newly converted person. After Baptism, everyone should tell the world about Jesus.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. The leper believes in Jesus. Having seen others healed, he is stirred to faith.
  2. Jesus shows deep human feelings. He has compassion on the leper’s condition.
  3. Jesus comes close. He touches the leper and makes himself ritually unclean.
  4. His power goes forth quickly. He uses just a simple word, “Be clean.”
  5. The leper cannot contain his joy. He tells everyone.
  6. Hearing the story, the crowds seek Jesus. They know the power of God is in their midst.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Jesus, I know you have power. I have read the gospel stories.I believe.
  • I ask with all my heart, “Please make me clean.”
  • Jesus, you always have compassion for me.
  • You come close. You touch me. You make me whole.
  • After you cleanse me, I will begin a new life.
  • Jesus, my tongue will not be silent. I will tell everyone. I will proclaim your mighty deeds.
  • By my words, others will believe in you and search for you.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ No matter what my illness (moral or physical) I will believe that Jesus can make me clean.
+ I will be God’s witness, telling others of Jesus’ compassion for them.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




O Jesus, send the Spirit of the Father upon me.


Picture Jesus teaching in the synagogue.


Having overcome Satan’s three temptations, Jesus begins his public ministry. Other gospels record this visit to the synagogue but Luke gives it preeminence. This is Jesus’ inauguration address and highlights all the themes of his preaching.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. Jesus loved to preach in the synagogue where good people, eager for God’s word, gathered.
  2. Jesus explains the source of his power. The Holy Spirit has come upon him.
  3. Because his reputation had spread, all eyes were on him.
  4. He chooses a text which outlines his work. He will preach and set free.
  5. Every group (the poor, the captives, the blind) will receive the favors.
  6. His coming establishes an extended time of God’s favor for all Israel.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Jesus, I know your reputation and I desire your favor.
  • The Spirit of the Lord is upon you. You are the Holy One.
  • I am poor. Preach your gospel to me. I am a captive. Set me free.
  • I am blind. Help me to see.
  • Your time of favor extends to all the years of my life.
  • I will not delay. I will not put off accepting you as my King.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will be faithful to my reading of Scripture.
+ Today, I will ask Jesus for the Holy Spirit.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




O Jesus, come to me when the waves threaten my boat.


Picture the disciples in the boat, seeing Jesus on the water.


These early stories of Mark’s gospel reveal to the disciples who Jesus is. However, even as they see the miracles, they do not understand. For some reason, their minds are closed.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. Jesus brings about this situation by telling the disciples to cross the Sea of Galilee while he remains on land.
  2. Jesus’ supernatural powers are on full display. By divine revelation, he knows they are struggling on the lake and where to find them.
  3. He is going to “pass them by.” This means “to come close enough to manifest himself”.
  4. By lack of faith, they mistake Jesus for a ghost.
  5. Fortunately, he identifies himself and overcomes their blindness.
  6. He gets into the boat and the wind dies down. (Another divine manifestation).
  7. In spite of all these signs, the disciples do not understand the mystery.
  8. They didn’t grasp the multiplication of loaves, either.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • O Jesus, you plan all the events of my life.
  • Seeing my struggles, you come to me.
  • You whisper in my heart, “Do not be afraid. I am with you.”
  • You “pass by”, close enough for me to experience your presence.
  • O Jesus, you are not a ghost. You are my friend and companion.
  • When you are in my boat, all is calm.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will obey Jesus and go wherever he wants.
+ I will not miss his presence when he passes by today.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




Come, Holy Spirit. Multiply your gifts within me.


Picture Jesus feeding the crowds.


This is the first of two multiplications of food in Mark’s gospel. (This one is for a Jewish crowd and the other is for Gentiles). This miracle is told in all four gospels and six times altogether, because it prefigures Jesus’ gift of Eucharist. Epiphany means manifestation and these gospels are Jesus’ manifesting himself.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. As Jesus begins to teach them, the crowd responds.
  2. They pass the whole day with Jesus, heedless of their need to eat.
  3. Jesus responds to their faith and He will provide a great abundance.
  4. Jesus looks up to heaven, blesses and beaks the bread. He will do this again at the Last Supper. This miracle is just a preview.
  5. Jesus invites the disciples to help him. The bread multiplies as they distribute it
  6. Jesus brings all to completion. The people have their fill and twelve baskets are left over for us.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Speak to me, O Lord. I will hear your voice, and you will be my shepherd.
  • O Lord, I will stay with you during the whole day of my life.
  • O Jesus, your plans for me are beyond my greatest dreams.
  • O Jesus, I will help you with your tasks.
  • Every day, you multiply the bread from heaven. Help me to love the Eucharist.
  • I will eat your flesh and drink your blood, so you can complete your work in me.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ Today, I will seek out Jesus’ teachings.
+ My heart will seek the Bread of Life.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




O Jesus, let your light shine upon my whole life.


Picture Jesus going to Capernaum with his disciples.


Many prosperous towns were around the lake of Galilee.  Since Capernaum was larger than Nazareth, Jesus moved his headquarters there to reach a wider audience.  In this region, the first Israelite tribes (Zebulun and Naphtali) were destroyed by the Gentiles. This text sees Jesus fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy of being a great light for the Gentiles.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. Jesus has an intense drive to bring his message to the widest possible audience
  2. After John is arrested, he immediately begins to preach.
  3. What was first stolen from Israel, (this land of the two tribes), will be the first regained by Jesus.
  4. Once he begins, Jesus will never stop preaching.
  5. Jesus sees a special moment.  God will intrude into human history and the Kingdom of heaven will begin.
  6. Jesus describes the response needed to enter this Kingdom, “Reform your lives.”

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • O Jesus, you want me to hear and respond to your word.
  • You keep coming closer. You will not stop until I respond.
  • I was carried off into sin. But you will reclaim me.
  • Jesus, I live in the shadow of death.  Come with your light.
  • The Kingdom of heaven is here. I will believe and respond.
  • Help me, Jesus, to reform my life.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will examine the areas of darkness in my life.
+ In every situation today I will ask for Jesus’ light.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)


THE MAGI (Mt 2:1-12)


Come, Holy Spirit.  Give me your light to search for the Christ Child.


Picture the three Magi worshipping Jesus in Bethlehem.


Since the Magi were not Jewish, Epiphany is called the Gentile Christmas, a symbol that Christ is for all the world.  Magi were a learned priestly class of Persia, who knew the stars.  The Old Testament had a prophecy about a star that is a symbol of David (Num 24:17).

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. The star is a totally unexpected invitation and the perfect help for their searching.
  2. The Jewish leaders know the place of Jesus’ birth but have no interest in going.
  3. Even worse, Herod is jealous and wants to kill the child.
  4. In contrast, the Magi believe, hope and act.
  5. They make sacrifices.  They persevere and they do not grow discouraged.
  6. They stay together, rejoice and encourage each other.
  7. Their hearts are one, always intent on the same goal.
  8. They give themselves completely to the Child, bringing their finest treasures.
  9. They are the perfect examples of beginners in search for Christ.
  10.  They return home by a different route to safeguard the Child.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Show me your star, O Lord, I will make any sacrifice to follow it.
  • Teach me to believe and to set out in faith.
  • I will trust even though I do not know what lies ahead.
  • Give me companions for my journey.  Let us be of one heart, and have you as our goal.
  • O Lord, I hold back nothing. I give you all of my treasures.
  • I will change my life and take a different path to safeguard my life with you.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ Today, I will be attentive how God calls me.
+ I will be as a child, believing that God will show me his way.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)

SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 2025 (Memorial of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious)



Jesus, I will be your disciple and follow you everywhere.


Picture Jesus with his three new disciples.


John’s gospel gives some details about the call of the first apostles.  Andrew, and another, were originally disciples of John the Baptist, who told them about Jesus.  Andrew brings Simon to Jesus who immediately calls him Peter.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. The Baptist wants these special disciples to find the Messiah.
  2. He is completely unselfish.  He wants them to leave and follow Jesus.
  3. They act immediately. They take the initiative. They also want to find the Messiah.
  4. Andrew prizes this new relationship and wants his brother, Simon, to be included.
  5. Simon also responds and comes to Jesus.
  6.  Jesus gives him a new name, Peter, foreshadowing his role as the rock foundation of the Church.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Jesus, you are the Lamb of God and I want to follow you.
  • Invite me to come.
  • I will come and stay with you and be your disciple.
  • I love being your disciple.  I will tell others to come to you.
  • You will accept them, also.  All of us will enjoy this great privilege.
  • You have a task for me (but that will come later). For now, remaining with you is all you ask.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will take every opportunity to seek and find Jesus.
+ After finding him, I will tell others.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)


2025 Global Theme is Announced

International Director Announces 2025 Theme…

As I write, most of you will have passed into 2025. Here in New York, we are still keeping vigil for the great Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God – an utterly astounding title. Yes, I never cease to be astounded by the first chapter of both the Gospel of Saint John and his first letter. The depth of love, of condescension, of humility is incomprehensible.

This love is so poignantly portrayed in Saint Paul’s words to Timothy when he tells is that God “desires all men to be saved.” (I Timothy 2:4) Yet we know that, like the Pharisees in Luke 7:30, man in his freedom can frustrate the plan of God since, for love to be perfect, it must be free.

And this same poignant and powerful proclamation of love is echoed in the heart and cry of our Blessed Mother in the first words she speaks when she gives the Flame of Love of her Immaculate Heart for the first time on April 13, 1962 and which provides our theme for this new year: “There is so much sin in the country. Help me to save it!” Yes, “HELP ME SAVE THE COUNTRY!”

I hear this cry in my ears every morning when I awaken. Each night, I need to answer Jesus: “Take part in My redeeming work without ceasing. Don’t ask how. Desire that My Kingdom come for you and for every soul. When you go to retire for the night, look over your entire day: What have you done for the coming of My Kingdom?” April 20, 1962

My dearest brothers and sisters, we are compelled by this same love (II Cor 5:14). What a sublime calling! I feel very strongly and I know that Győző feels the same, that the most important thing we can do right now to answer our Blessed Mother’s call to “Help me save the country” is to ensure all of our people, all of our cenacles, understand the scope and the purpose of the Flame of Love – “Help me save the COUNTRY”.

If our people believe that the goal is to create prayer groups for a new prayer devotion or that the goal is to enhance our own spirituality, that is exactly what we will do and we will have a rapidly growing, spiritually powerful prayer devotion. That’s not “Help me save the country”. Please don’t misunderstand me. Our prayer cenacles are important and powerful. Our family cenacles are even more important but they are the matches and not the fire. They are the tools and not the goal. If we only focus on the tool, we will not achieve the goal.

Not everyone in the world will join a Flame of Love cenacle nor every person in the Church – there are many other jobs to be done in the Church besides participating in a Flame of Love cenacle. But everyone in the Church and in the world needs The Flame of Love! “You must strive for the blinding of Satan, which we will accomplish with the coordinated strength of the whole world.” November 27, 1963

When we all start pulling together in the same direction – through prayer, sacrifice, desire, and, where we can, labor for the Flame of Love to light in all hearts, (“So line up side by side, because the flame burning by hellish hatred will break on the power of sacrifice and prayer. The evil ones will be driven back more and more, their flame burning by hatred will go out, and the light of my Flame of Love will fill every part of the world.” December 6, 1964), then we can help our Blessed Mother “light in the entire country the flame full of grace, which I have given you from my Heart. This will be the miracle which catches fire and will blind Satan.” April 13, 1962.

So please help every one of our people in each one of your countries understand and work toward the goal – not just to pray, sacrifice, and desire that people join our prayer cenacles but to pray, sacrifice, and desire that the Flame of Love light in all hearts in our countries. With all our being, let us answer our Blessed Mother’s cry: “HELP ME SAVE THE COUNTRY!” That is our theme for 2025.

In case you find it helpful, I have posted the above portion of this email to https://www.flameoflove.info/posts/help-me-save-the-country/

John Sullivan

International Director

Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary




O Jesus, come to me. When you come, help me to recognize you.


Picture John at the Jordan River, seeing Jesus among the crowd.


John never describes Jesus getting baptized.  Instead, the Baptist recognizes Jesus and introduces him to the world as the Lamb of God.  Twice, The Baptist admits that he did not recognize Jesus, even though that was his divine call.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. God had prepared John well for his task.  He knew what he was supposed to do.
  2. Although Jesus had spent some time with John, he never realized that Jesus was the Lamb of God.
  3. Suddenly, he receives a divine revelation.  Supernatural wisdom helps him to realize Jesus’ identity.
  4. John fulfills his task.  He tells the world that Jesus is the Lamb of God, who will take away the sins of the world.
  5. Jesus accomplishes that by sending his Holy Spirit after his Ascension.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Jesus, prepare me for my task in your Kingdom.
  • How often you are close to me and I do not realize that you are near.
  • Reveal yourself, Jesus and I will rejoice.
  • Take away my sins. Cleanse me forever.  Baptize me afresh in the Holy Spirit.
  • Pour out your Holy Spirit.  My heart awaits your divine fire.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will prepare for whatever task God has for me.
+ Today, I will ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten me.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)

THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 2025 Memorial of Sts. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen



O Jesus, help me to find my identity in you.


Picture John preaching at the Jordan River.


The gospel of John focuses on Jesus’ identity.  This gospel clarifies the Baptist’s identity so he is not confused with the messiah.  John also distinguishes their two Baptisms.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. The Jerusalem leaders are concerned because large crowds follow John.
  2. John clarifies all their perceptions.  He is not the Christ, Elijah or a prophet.
  3. John gladly disclaims these titles, when he would easily have been believed.
  4. John’s identity comes from Jesus.  He is a voice preparing everyone for the Word of God.
  5. John understands that his power is less than Jesus.  Only Jesus can baptize in the Holy Spirit.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Who am I, O Lord?  Why have you created me?  What is my role in the Kingdom?
  • You have written my identity on my soul.  Reveal it to me!
  • O Jesus, in you, I discover who I am.
  • I seek only to be the least in your Kingdom.
  • I will be a voice proclaiming you as the Word of God.
  • Fill me, O Lord, with the powers of your Holy Spirit.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will seek to know God’s place for me in his Kingdom.
+ I will serve Jesus Christ, whose sandals I am unworthy to loosen.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




Come, Holy Spirit.  Give me the shepherds’ faith.


Picture the shepherds adoring Jesus with Mary and Joseph.


The gospel stories are filled with people.  Some respond to Jesus and others do not.  Those who respond are always blessed.  Here, the shepherds glorify God for all they saw and heard.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. Seeing the angels deeply affects the shepherds.
  2. They encourage one another.  They grow bold and do not fear the journey to Bethlehem.
  3. They waste no time.  Like Mary visiting Elizabeth, they go in haste.
  4. When they see the child, they fully understand the angel’s words.
  5. They are excellent witnesses, recounting to Mary and Joseph exactly what had happened.
  6. Mary meditates on these events, cherishing God’s words and pondering their meaning.
  7. Afterwards, the shepherds proclaim their experiences and glorify God who sent his angels.
  8. Mary obeys Gabriel’s command and names her son, Jesus, the name that brings salvation to all.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • O Lord, fill me with religious experiences.
  • I will respond to your heavenly words and go in haste.
  • O Mary, give me your inner stillness.
  • Share with me your gift of pondering God’s word.
  • O Jesus, I will tell everyone of your wonders and your name will always be on my lips and in my heart.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will keep watch like the shepherds, ready to experience God’s manifestation.
+ When God tells me where to find Jesus, I will go in haste.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




O Jesus, thank you for leaving the Father’s side and becoming a man.


Imagine Mary telling the angel, Gabriel, that she would be God’s mother.


Mark begins his gospel with John the Baptist.  Matthew and Luke begin their gospels with infancy stories.  John begins his gospel in heaven. Quickly, the gospel enters into human history, as “The Word became flesh and dwelled among us.”  The text is used today because tomorrow will be a new beginning.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. Jesus is the Word, perfectly conceived in the mind of the Father.
  2. He is God, equal to the Father.
  3. Through him and in him, the whole world was created.
  4. Yet, when he came into the world, people did not recognize him.
  5. Even his Jewish people did not understand that he was sent by the Father.
  6. He was a light removing the darkness.
  7. He filled all who believed with divine life, making them God’s children.
  8. He became flesh.  He lived among us.  People could see his glory.  That is the mystery of Christmas.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Jesus, you are eternal.  You come from the Father. 
  • Jesus, you created everything.  You own the whole world.  You own me.  I am yours.
  • Jesus, I recognize you.  I know who you are.
  • Come into my life. I welcome you.
  • You are life, full life, abundant life, God’s life.
  • Make me a child of God, so I will live forever in perfect happiness.
  • You have become flesh.  People have seen you and recorded your words.
  • Thank you for being born among us.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ In this Christmas season, I will reflect on this greatest mystery – the Word became flesh.
+ More than anything else, I will cherish being a child of God.  This is Jesus’ gift.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




O Lord, teach me to fast, to pray and to listen to your word.


Picture Joseph and Mary holding the Christ Child in the presence of Simeon and Anna.


Luke likes to portray both men and women ministering. So, he added Anna, a prophetess, to Simeon’s story. She is a widow who serves in the temple by prayer and fasting. In this text, she says no specific words. She believes in Jesus and alerts all to his saving power for Jerusalem (which symbolizes all the elect).

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. God has everything planned.  At just the right moment, Anna comes on the scene.
  2. She is the perfect person.  Everyone knows her because she is always in the temple, praying, fasting and serving needs.
  3. She understands immediately and believes that Jesus is the Messiah.
  4. She becomes an evangelist, telling everyone in the temple that she had seen the Messiah who would deliver Jerusalem.
  5. The family’s responsibilities are complete.  They return ninety miles to Nazareth in Galilee.
  6. The years in Nazareth are so important.  The child Jesus will experience all the natural phases of human maturing.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • O God, all is planned for your glory and our happiness.
  • Each of us is the perfect person, exactly the one needed to spread your word in our culture.
  • O Jesus I must prepare for my task in your Kingdom.
  • Help me to fast and pray.  Give me a spirit of service.
  • O Jesus, you are the Deliverer.  You will free me and bring redemption to our land.
  • Teach me your plan.  Where am I to go? Where am I to settle?
  • Help me to mature – to grow in wisdom and favor.  This is my deepest request.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will believe that God has a task for me to do.
+ Every day, I will pray and sacrifice so I can be ready.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




O Lord, may I always seek to find you.


Picture Jesus with his parents in the Temple.


Luke uses this story, when Jesus is twelve years old, as a bridge between the infancy stories and the public ministry (when Jesus was thirty).  It portrays the transition from being Mary’s son to being the Son of the Father.  When Mary finds him in the temple, Jesus reminds her that he must be in his Father’s house.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. Like all parents, they search for Jesus with anxious hearts.
  2. Where else would they look, except in the temple.
  3. Jesus assumes the role of teacher in Israel.
  4. Mary can only speak of her own feelings.
  5. Jesus speaks of another world – his Father’s house.
  6. For now, Jesus’ mission is put off.  He returns to the hidden years of Nazareth.
  7. These are very productive years, preparing him to assume his lifelong ministry.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • O Jesus, I long for you and I search for you.
  • I, too, will find you in the temple, where you stay in the Blessed Sacrament.
  • You are my teacher.  I go to you for wisdom.
  • O Mary, share your feelings with me.
  • Jesus, bring me into your Father’s house.
  • O Lord, I will prepare every day for my mission.
  • Fill these years with your blessings.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will search for Jesus at every moment.
+ I will be obedient to Mary.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




O Lord Jesus, I would love to shed my blood for you.


Picture Mary, Joseph and the Child fleeing into Egypt.


In Matthew’s gospel, Joseph is the central person in the infancy stories and God’s usual way of communicating with him is by an angel in his dreams.  Historically, Herod was an insane man who killed many of his wives and relatives.  The Church honors as martyrs the children whom he killed. The text mentions Rachel, who was Jacob’s wife.  Two tribes of Israel were named after her two sons. They were slaughtered 700 years before Jesus.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. Joseph has great spiritual gifts. He receives angelic messages that others would have missed.
  2. Despite all the difficulties, he immediately obeys the angel’s message.
  3. He will stay in Egypt until he receives another message.
  4. How much we owe to Joseph.  He spared Mary’s life when she was pregnant and saved Jesus’ life from Herod.
  5. By this slaughter, the shadow of the cross appears early in the gospel.
  6. Satan uses Herod to kill these children. Later, he will use Judas and Pilate to kill Jesus.
  7. Without knowing it, these children become Jesus’ disciples and share in his cross.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • O Lord, help me to hear your directions for my life.
  • O Jesus, speak and I will listen.  Guide me and I will follow.
  • O Lord, protect me in a world so filled with dangers.
  • Keep me in your hiding place, O Lord.  I live to be hidden in your hands.
  • O Jesus, I accept whatever suffering comes to me as your disciple.
  • Destroy my plans for my life.  Reveal your plans.
  • Help me to avoid those whom Satan controls.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will be sensitive this day to God’s promptings.
+ I will not endanger my body or my soul, my human life or my eternal life.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




Come, Holy Spirit. Give me the faith to seek the risen Christ.


Come, Holy Spirit. Give me the faith to seek the risen Christ.


Before the gospel writers describe the Easter visions, they speak of the empty tomb and of the disciples’ reactions. In this text, Magdalene, Peter and the Beloved Disciple all have different responses. Peter sees but the Beloved Disciple believes.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. The Beloved Disciple himself wrote this account. All of the many details (the various linens, where they were placed, and who arrived first), are his first hand memories.
  2. These three disciples respond. Magdalen comes while it is “still dark”. Peter and the beloved disciple run to the tomb.
  3. Although experiencing the empty tomb, the disciples still do not know that Jesus is risen.
  4. Magdalen thinks someone stole the body. Peter seems totally confused. The Beloved Disciples believes, but does not understand the full story.
  5. This is God’s first stirring in their hearts. At least, they are searching (even running).
  6. The two disciples return home but they are prepared for the visions.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • O Lord, thank you for these eyewitnesses.
  • O Jesus, my faith in your resurrection is based on their testimony.
  • All this evidence helps my faith. The stone is rolled away. Your body is not there. The linens are in various places.
  • I will run. I will hurry quickly. I must find you.
  • Help me to believe.
  • O Jesus, I don’t want a world that is empty of your presence.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will renew my faith in the risen Jesus.
+ I will study the scriptures.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)




Come, Holy Spirit, Strengthen me in moments of trial.


Picture Jesus preparing His disciples for persecution.


Jesus has just commissioned his apostles and sent them out to preach. He warns them of difficulties. Matthew’s Church also sent out missionaries who faced the same persecutions, both from Jews and Romans.

Gospel text: (Read slowly, possibly aloud)

Thoughts: (Read all. Ponder the ones that attract you.)

  1. Because the disciples preach Jesus, many will oppose them.
  2. Jesus tries to prepare them for what they will face.
  3. Even this opposition has a purpose. The disciples will have an audience to whom they can preach.
  4. The Spirit will give them the words that touch hearts.
  5. They must rejoice. If they persecuted the Master, they will certainly persecute the disciples.

Affections. (When one touches your heart, use your own words.)

  • Jesus, prepare me for the opposition I will meet in my devout life.
  • Send me your Spirit so my opponents can be won over.
  • Teach me the costs of discipleship. I will pay any price.
  • When the opposition continues, let me stand firm.
  • What more could I ask for? You invite me to suffer persecution with you.
  • I will persevere and enjoy eternal glory.

Resolutions: (Possibly you might want to make your own.)

+ I will try to explain my conversion to all who question me.
+ I will try to explain my conversion to all who question me.

Thought for the Day: (To recall your meditation.)