The Blessed Virgin instructed Elizabeth to “Adore my Divine Son and make reparation. He is so often offended .” (Full Diary page 11) Abiding by the Blessed Mother’s request, the Flame of Love Prayer Cenacles are called Cenacles of Reparation. The Flame of Love is a movement of grace, sacrifice, and prayer. Committing to a weekly cenacle of prayer and reparation is an act of love and mercy which will help to spread the Flame and save souls. Joining your prayers with others increases the power of prayers. In the Diary, Elizabeth said, “I heard the chanting of the Litany of the Blessed Virgin. I never experienced before the power to raise up my soul to such great fervor that came from this community prayer.“
On April 12, 1965, Jesus said to Elizabeth, “Do you see My hand begging for help, My little sister? Many turn their eyes away so they do not have to bear the sad look in My eyes. I am the One who draws close to them. But they just keep walking stubbornly the path of darkness. This is why My Mother asked that her Flame of Love light up on the earth in order to enlighten souls. To accomplish this, she asks for the drops of oil of your sacrifices. I tell you and I promise with My Divine Word that whenever you pray for someone, you will never be refused, because the drops of oil of your sacrifices not only fall on the lamps of souls, but also upon My wounds which burn with fever. These drops are like refreshing balm. My Elizabeth, the Man-God thanks you for this. Do not excuse yourself. I must act this way because I am also a Man and I share your feelings. When you make sacrifices for My work of Redemption, I am in debt to you. I can say this in another way: You buy Me with your favors and an overflowing happiness fills Me.”
Whether you are discerning to JOIN a Flame of Love cenacle or to START one, it is recommended:
- PRAY and ask Our Lady and Jesus to guide you. On December 2, 1963, the Blessed Virgin spoke to Elizabeth, :“Do not be passive about my Sacred Cause. It will be through the few, the little ones, and the humble that must begin this great outpouring of graces that will shake the world. None of those called must excuse themselves or refuse my invitation. All of you are my little instruments.”
- LEARN about the Flame of Love Movement.
- Read the Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann LINK
- Study the 3 main Flame of Love Prayers: the Sign of the Cross, the Unity Prayer, and the Flame of Love Hail Mary.
- Pray the Flame of Love Rosary using the Cenacle Prayer Guide.
- Watch the Flame of Love Basics video series.
- Join a Perpetual Vigil Room night vigil.
- Download the Flame of Love Mobile App.
- To START a new Cenacle, review the Leaders Manual documents.
- Whether joining or starting a new Cenacle, leaders are encouraged to strive towards the Flame of Love Spiritual Exercises.
- When STARTING a new Cenacle, we ask that you
- Reach out to your Regional Leader to introduce yourself: Meet/Contact Regional Directors
- Register your cenacle
- DISCERN which Cenacle type you are interested in Joining or Starting. Find a Cenacle
- Physical Cenacles meet in churches, parish halls, homes, etc.
- Virtual Cenacles meet on-line through conference calls, Zoom, Jitsi Meet, etc.
- COMMIT. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20) Mary told Elizabeth, “With this Flame full of graces that I give you from my heart, ignite all the hearts in the entire country. Let this Flame go from heart to hearty. This is the miracle becoming the blaze whose dazzling light will blind Satan. This is the fire of love of union which I obtained from the heavenly Father through the merits of the wounds of my Divine Son.”
IMPORTANT NOTE: Flame of Love Cenacles should be rooted in teachings and messages of the Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann. According to our Statutes, Cenacle Leaders and those serving in positions of responsibility are not permitted to co-mingle outside elements unrelated to our spirituality and not approved or unauthorized by the Ecclesiastical authority.
We would like to know about all existing Prayer Cenacles of Reparation including home cenacles. We do not publish non-virtual home cenacles on this web site for reasons of privacy and safety but having the information is essential to demonstrate to Bishops and Pastors the Flame of Love activity in their area. We also never expose your name or information to any enquirers. We send their information to you so you can contact them.