John Sullivan brings a varied and eclectic background to The Flame of Love Movement. Though raised Catholic, John left the Church as a young teen in 1973 to pursue the Worldwide Church of God. He eventually left college majors in Physics and Music at the University of Rochester and the Eastman School of Music and completed his BA in Theology at Ambassador College in Pasadena, CA with the intent to serve in the full-time Ministry.
John returned to New York in 1983 and spent the next 10 years as a volunteer serving the WCG congregations in the New York City area while helping to run a family business in concrete construction materials supply. He was ordained but not hired into the ministry in 1990. When the family business closed in 1993 and still awaiting a full time ministry position, John made a “temporary” career transition into Information Technology and moved the family to Maine for the next 20 years where his two sons, daughter-in-law, and grandson still reside.
John’s plans for full time ministry came to a screeching halt when he began studying the Ante-Nicene Fathers and found, to his great surprise, that they were very Catholic! This provoked an in-depth and shocking exploration of Catholic teaching where he found that what the Church actually teaches is far different than what he learned as a child (next to nothing) and had been told by those outside the Church. Rather than a Church riddled with superstition and unbiblical teachings, he found a body of belief with remarkable biblical, theological, historical, and logical consistency.
John returned to the Catholic Church in 1998. Trapped unexpectedly in a career of Network and Systems Engineering and IT Management, John’s work has ranged from micro-businesses to international startups to Fortune 10 companies but he has invested his energy in evangelization and teaching the riches of the Bible, Christianity, and the Catholic faith.
As one who previously, wholeheartedly committed each of the offenses against our Blessed Mother enumerated in the First Saturday devotion, our Lady brought John into her service and introduced him to the Flame of Love devotion by “divine accident.” He was astounded to find that what God had taught him painstakingly through over 40 years of study and prayer was summarized in a single book – the Spiritual Diary. John is deeply grateful for such forgiveness, mercy, and grace and looks forward to serving our Lord and our Lady however they wish.