There are 4 Basic Prayers that are essential to the Flame of Love Movement: the Sign of the Cross, the Unity Prayer, the Hail Mary with the Flame of Love Petition, and the Prayer for the Propagation of the Flame of Love.
Prayer #2: The Prayer of Jesus (The Unity Prayer)
By virtue of the great outpouring of grace in the Flame of Love movement, it is a rocket ride to sanctity. Following the way of life described in the devotion quickly moves one to deep union with Jesus as we literally participate in His life. One of the few additions introduced by the Flame of Love devotion is Jesus’ Unity Prayer:
Elizabeth: “Then the sweet Redeemer asked me to pray with Him the prayer that expresses His deepest desires (The Unity Prayer). I made this prayer completely mine. The Lord meditated on it many times with me, asserting that these are His eternal longings. He taught me this prayer, so that I would in turn teach it to others. With all our strength and mind, let us make our own His eternal thoughts and burning desires.”
Jesus: “This prayer is an instrument in your hands. By collaborating with Me, Satan will be blinded by it; and because of his blindness, souls will not be led into sin.” (Spiritual Diary, page 43)
UNITY PRAYER SONG – Music by Tommy Doyle, Flame of Love Philadelphia
The Unity Prayer in LATIN
Oratio unionis cum Domino
O mi Jesu adorate! Pedes nostri una ambulent. Manus nostrae una colligant. Corda nostra una palpitent. Animi nostri una sentiant. Cogitationes mentis nostrae concordent. Aures nostrae una in silentium intendentes fiant. Oculi nostri alii in alios speciant et conspectus nostri coalescant. Labia nostra una precentur Patrem aeternum misereri nostri.